Changes in physicochemical factors of water in Golestan dam
Subject Areas : New Technologies in Aquaculture Development
Keywords: Aquaculture, Keywords: Golestan Dam, Trophy, Physicochemical water,
Abstract :
AbstractThe lakes behind the dam are among the semi-natural inland water resourcesAnd from the point of view of aquaculture, they have a special place. To achieve management goals, it is necessary to know the pattern of changes in biological and non-biological parameters in the lake behind the dam. Golestan dam catchment area with an area of about 5000 km is located in the central part of Golestan province. Physicochemical factors such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, transparency, total nitrogen, total phosphorus were recorded monthly to study changes in physicochemical parameters of water in 7 stations for one year. Concentration of phosphorus (TP16 mg / L), total nitrogen (TN2.09 mg / L), observable depth of sek-chi disck (10 cm) and chlorophyll a (23/4µg/l) Carlson TSI trophic index for sek-chi disckequal to 26.87, based on chlorophyll a equal to 61.5, based on total phosphorus 22, Based on the average of these three indicators equal to 33.68, based on total nitrogen was measured 22.6. In conclusion the lake is located in the area of oligotrophe lakes.