Evaluation of sperm quality of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by use of seminal plasma parameters in the southeast of the Caspian Sea, Golestan Province
Subject Areas : New Technologies in Aquaculture Development
Keywords: sperm, Keywords: Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Semen plasma parameters,
Abstract :
AbstractCommon carp (Cyprinus carpio), endemic of the Caspian Sea, allocated high catch rate in Golestan province. Due to the significance of its commercial importance, preservation and restoration of this fish will be seem necessity by artificial breeding. Sperm quality is scaling to assessment the ability of fertilizing achivement. So, the sperm quality biomarkers such as (spermatocrit, sperm density, pH, Osmolarity, seminal plasma composition, etc.) that directly affect on sperm fertilizing ability, must be specified.34 pieces of Common carp broodstock was catched from Gorgan rood river beach and then,sperm collection was done by low pressure on side of the abdomen and were collected by 2-ml syringe.To assess plasma components, semen of each broodstock by use of refrigerated centrifuged with 1500 rpm for 25 min centrifuged and plasma was separated and stored at -20°C respectively. Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, glucose, total protein, cholesterol and urea were determined by spectrophotometry and special kits. The values of some parameters such as spermatocrit and protein had no a lot of changes, while other parameters had a lot of changes. Some of biochemical parameters of carp semen (except spermatocrit, iron, calcium, and cholesterol) have no significantly different at various ages. With increasing age of the fish, iron and calcium levels increased in some age groups, the increase was significant. The ratio between the ions in most cases have no significant different at various ages, but had no regular decrease or increase. Spermatocrit with magnesium ion, sodium, potassium, iron, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels had significant different and positively correlation and with the other parameters had no significant different.ion correlation was measured. This study and determine the Common carp sperm quality parameters can improve the efficiency of artificial propagation.