Basics of Salafi fundamentalism political thought
Subject Areas :Mohammad Taheri Khonakdari 1 *
1 - Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Salafi fundamentalism, the foundations of political thought, politics and government,
Abstract :
The withdrawal of American forces from Kabul in August 2021 and the formation of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan following the escape of the country's legal government, once again turned words such as Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, extremist, radical and fundamentalist forces into the headlines of the news and analytical media. . It is very important to know where these groups originate from and what are their thoughts based on? It seems that the political thought of these groups does not lack a framework, but is supported by a set of epistemological, ontological, anthropological, sociological and epistemological data. In this article, using the hermeneutic method, we will examine the basic foundations of the political thought of Salafist Islamist groups. Groups that are mentioned under different titles such as Islamic fundamentalism, Salafi, Daesh, Taliban and the like. Of course, these groups may have differences with each other from different angles, but they have many commonalities in the basics, which are considered according to these common basics.