Quranic foundations of the necessity of resistance in Persian poems
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studiessayyd hosin formibaf 1 , kamal khajepour 2 * , aboalghasem asi moznab 3
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Quran and Hadith sciences , Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor، Department of Quran and Hadith sciences , Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran. (corresponding author):
3 - Assistant professor، Department of Quran and Hadith sciences , Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: Persian Poems, Quranic principles, the necessity of resistance, Hassan Fali,
Abstract :
Resistance is one of the natural things that its necessity has been beautifully discussed in Persian poetry and the principles of this necessity have been emphasized in the verses of the Qur'an. God Almighty, on the one hand, forbids Muslims from compromising and surrendering to their opponents, and on the other hand, emphasizes the need for patience and perseverance in the face of enemies. The Qur'an and Islamic traditions consider the cost of compromise and surrender to the enemies to be much heavier than resistance and perseverance. Islam is a religion of moderation and resistance and stability against the factors that upset the balance of society - both internally and externally. In Persian poetry, resistance is considered necessary both for its current goodness and for having divine goals and social effects. These matters are among the intellectual foundations and ideas of resistance which are clearly explained and detailed in the Qur'an. The present article deals with the descriptive and analytical method of the Quranic principles of the necessity of resistance that have been raised in Persian poems. The results show the need for resistance in Persian poetry in various aspects of the current goodness such as purposefulness, holiness and .... and having divine goals such as preventing false domination, the dignity of the religion of God and ... and social effects such as community pride, the spread of justice Nourishes.