A Study and Application of Narrative in Ghazaleh Alizadeh's Works, Relying on the Novels "House of the Idrisians", "Nights of Tehran"
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature StudiesZinat Nateghpour 1 , Ali Mohammad Moazzeni 2 * , Teymur Malmir 3
1 - PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
2 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
3 - 3Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran.
Keywords: Fiction, Ghazaleh Alizadeh, Narrative Studies, Focusing, Gerarding,
Abstract :
Narratology, as a new science, examines the grammar of fiction. Using the indicators of narratology, the structural pattern of narratives can be achieved. Numerous linguists have offered extensive theories in this field, and among them, Gerard Genet's studies are extensive. In his study of narratives, he relies on three general indicators: "time", "state or aspect" and "sound or tone". Ghazaleh Alizadeh, is among the contemporary writers of Iranian fiction whose works can be considered from the perspective of narratology. Relying on the views of narratologists, especially Gerard Gennet's theories, this article examines the three components mentioned in the works of these authors. Narration in the past and the past in the past, the narration of the present and the frequent passage from the present to the past are the salient features of the mentioned works in terms of time. Most of the events of these works are narrated in a straight line, Using Negative and Positive Acceleration, Frequency and Its Types, Zero Focus and Inner Focus, Intra-Story Narrative from a First-Person Perspective, Monologue, Hadith Nafs and I am a Witness, Extra-Story Narrative from a Third-Person Perspective, as well as Post-Time and Simultaneous Narration, Is one of the features of narration in the above-mentioned novels.