The Analytic Study of Patricide Mythology in Shahnameh and the World’s Myths
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studiesnosratolah ahmadifard 1 , Dr.ali heydari 2 * , Dr.masood sepahvandi 3
1 - Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature of Lorestan UnDepartment of Persian Language and Literature, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran.iversity
2 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, lorestan University, Iran
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran.
Keywords: Myth, Shahnameh, epic, genealogy, patricide,
Abstract :
Myth has been one of the constituting elements of culture as well as ethnic and national identity of societies. Some mythologists consider it as the religion of the early civilizations and the era before the expansion of the monotheistic religions. Myths of different nations have similarities and uniformities. The confrontation between myths against each other and their hard-fought battle together with each other have been transmitted to us today in the stories that are subject to various interpretations. In Shahnameh, the mythical characters inherit special credit and in the Avesta and Pahlavi books are of the supernatural aspect. By touching upon the first patricide myth in Shahnameh, in the current study it has been tried to show that events leading to patricide in the myths of Shahnameh and the world have overt and covert angles; however, the mythological patricide is one of their supernatural aspects. By examining the reasons for patricide and studying the similar and different aspects of mythological, epic, and historical characters of Iran and the world, it seems that gaining power and reign have the highest frequency; the gods have obvious interferences in the western world's patricide, while in the eastern world, it seldom happens due to the father’s sanctity. Other reasons include magic, love, maternal, intentional, and unintentional parenting provocations.