Manifestations of social-political criticism in contemporary poetry of Iran and Syria (Case study: Mahdi AkhavanSales and Mohammad Al Maghout)
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature StudiesCobra Delphi 1 , Hojatolah Gh Moniri 2 * , Mohammad Goodarzi 3
1 - PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran9427967
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran. (Corresponding Author).
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran
Keywords: criticism, socio-political, contemporary poetry, Iran, Syria, AkhavanSales, Maghout.,
Abstract :
Committed and popular poets consider it their mission to reflect various social problems and issues in the mirror of their poems. These singers have often experienced the suffering and pain caused by war, colonialism, tyranny, suffocation, repression, and a closed political atmosphere, and have written in order to awaken and encourage people. The present research, which was carried out in a descriptive-analytical way, sought to examine the manifestations of socio-political criticism in the poems of Mahdi AkhawanSales (from Iran) and Mohammad Al-Maghout (from Syria) and from this point of view, the similarities and differences expose each of them to the reader's view. What was obtained from the search in brief is that: the poets of this research criticize the political obstruction and the lack of freedom, criticize the imprudence and incompetence of the rulers, criticize the neglect and callousness of the people, criticize the laziness of the fighters, criticize the They have put belligerence etc. on their agenda and reflected on it. The AkhavanSales and Maghout have been trying to free the people from neglect and everyday life by rousing national and ancient feelings, and to make them aware of their past honors, to recover their lost identity and to realize that - in the direction of achieving an ideal society - Give life again.
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