Comparison and analysis of Maqam Tawakkel and Reza in Diwan Emad Faqih Kermani and Shaukat Bukhari
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
seyed ali sohrabnejad
jila dawoodzadeh
Omidvar alimahmoodi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Izeh, Iran
2 - PhD student of Persian language and literature, Izeh branch, Islamic Azad University, Izeh, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Izeh, Iran
Keywords: Mystical literature, Maqam Tawakkel, Maqam Reza, Imad Faqih Kermani, Shaukat Bukhari.,
Abstract :
Literature, like other social phenomena, has different of the branches of literature includes mystical literature. Throughout history, Iran has been one of the centers of spirituality and mysticism. which has been present in various forms. In the worldview of Emadfaqih Kermani and Shaukat Bokhari, who lived in two different literary eras, have used different goals and concepts in using the position of Tawakkel and Reza. The purpose of this literary essay is to explore, compare and analyze the insights of the two studied poets, regarding the position of Tawakkel and Reza in their poetry court. Therefore, it has been determined by documentary and library research and descriptive-analytical method that these two poets, in the 8th century, that's mean Al-Muzaffar period, with the peak of the Iraqi style, which has worldly rationalism as the main focus. Or in the Safavid era, when literature is based on Indian style and the theme revolves around words.Emadfaqih paid more attention to Reza's position with 38 frequency. While Shaukat Bokhari has been valued the most compared to Maqam Tawakkel with 11 poetry frequency. In fact, both poets have benefited from the position of Reza and Tawakkul in the same concept of mystical themes.In addition to the fact that the 11th century was reviving a new poetic style. Shaukat Bukhari, influenced by Imad Faqih, paid attention to mystical themes in the same special mystical concept. of these two authorities, as a tool to express the political-social issues governing the society, it has received less attention.
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