Dialectics of Tradition and Modernity in Iranian Political Literature; A Comparative Study of Two Stories "Farsi Shekar ast" and "Rajole Siasi"
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
Somayyeh AliAkbarzadeh
mandana alimi
Ali Fallah
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - TheAssistance professor, Persian Language and Literature , department Azadshahr branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadsgahr,Azadshahr, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.(Corresponding author)
Keywords: Jamalzadeh, dialectic, tradition, modernity, political literature.,
Abstract :
Mohammad Ali Jamalzadeh Esfahani is one of the famous writers who has always criticized Iran's political situation in his works with humor. In this article, the authors try to use the comparative method of Jamalzadeh's two works with the titles "Farsi Shekar ast" and "Rajale Siasi" by using political satire and answer this main question: "How and in what concepts have categorized the conflict between tradition and modernity by Jamalzadeh in the two stories of the Farsi Shekar ast and Rajole Siasi?" The hypothesis of the article emphasizes that these two works of Jamalzadeh are mainly based on humor and critical discourse, with the aim of correcting the chaotic political, social, and cultural situation of his society. The findings showed that Jamalzadeh's story "Farsi Shekar ast" has four macro institutional concepts of tyranny and corruption; the politicization of Iranian society shows the deep class divide and the dialectic of imported culture and traditional identity. But in the story of "Rajole Siasi", Jamalzadeh examines the society of Iran in certain times and conditions and refers to the fate of the people falling into the hands of those who have no expertise at all. In this regard, politics as wealth and prosperity, lack of meritocracy, political vulgarization, lack of understanding of political issues and lack of expertise, instability of the masses in the form of "political atmosphere, political encouragement and false heroization and political lobbying are the most important things that Jamalzadeh mentioned.