Thermal analysis of building site with Climate resilience planning strategy in coastal areas, Case study: Noor city coasts
Subject Areas : Climatology
فاطمه طاهری فاطمه طاهری
شهریار خالدی شهریار خالدی
رضا برنا رضا برنا
1 - دانشجوی دکتری آب و هواشناسی شهری، واحد علوم و تحقیقات،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی،تهران،ایران
2 - استاد گروه جغرافیا، دانشکده علوم زمین،دانشگاه شهید بهشتی،تهران،ایران
3 - دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، واحد اهواز،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی،اهواز،ایران
Keywords: Climate Resilience strategy ", "Climate Change", "Coastal Cities", " Thermal Analysis",
Abstract :
Coastal buildings are always vulnerable to waves, moisture and corrosion, and their resilience plays an important role in reducing these damages. Climate resilience with a comprehensive and consistent strategy has the potential to reduce the risk in site design and building physics and help improve decision-making in emergency response. This research is targeted at the Applied Research Group. According to the data and the output model, this research is in the category of research research in terms of implementation method. Findings of research in Noor Coastal Area with Ecotech software show that the coefficient of building compatibility index is 0.94, which indicates the resilience of buildings in climatic crises and this coefficient with the type and The direction of the site is different and less than one. The ventilation coefficient for changing the consumed air is 2.24 watts per square meter per hour. The thermal load index for determining energy control in a building is 15.5 and the cooling load is 21 Cͦ. To increase the building's climate resilience, passive design with low-delay thermal mass South and east windows are recommended to increase the heat load in winter and windows north and west are recommended to create natural ventilation and increase the cooling load in summer..
پیرمحمدی محمد، وحید رفیعی (1394): تأثیر عوامل اقلیمی در طراحی ساختمان و راه رسیدن به طراحی پایدار، همایش ملی عمران و معماری با رویکردی به توسعه پایدار- مرداد 1394.
2-کتابچه اداره آمار سازمان برنامه بودجه استان مازندران-ص 243.
3-مدی، حسین (1390): راهنمای کاربردی اکوتکت اتودسک، چاپ اول، زمستان 90، نشر پندار پارس.
4- مرادی، ساسان (1392): تنظیم شرایط محیطی، ویرایش سوم، چاپ نهم،پائیز 92، انتشارات آرمانشهر.
5- ملأ صالحی ودیعه و هومن شمالی (1393): بررسی ویژگیهای معماری و اقلیمی شهرهای ساحلی دریای خزر با رویکرد اکولوژی نمونه موردی شهر نور، دومین همایش ملی معماری، مرمت شهرسازی و محیطزیست پایدار، 93.
6- AlfraidiYahya, Abdel Halim Boussabaine(2015):Design Resilient Building Strategies In Face Of Climate Change, World Academy Of Science, Engineering And Technology International Journal Of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction And Architectural Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
7- Bellinson Ryan &Eric Chu, (2019):Learning Pathways And The Governance Of Innovations In Urban Climate Change Resilience And Adaptation, Journal Of Environmental Policy &Planning ISSN: 1523-908X (Print) 1522-7200 (Online) Journal Homepage: Http://Www.Tandf Online. Com/ Loi/Cjoe20.
8-Dave Malay, Arvind Varshney& Peter Graham, (2012): Assessing The Climate Change Adaptability Of Buildings, Accarnsi Discussion Paper NodeBuilt Environment, Innovation And Institutional Reform, P P 1-47.
9-Erkens.G T. Bucx, R. Dam, G. De Lange, AndJ. Lambert,(2015):Sinking Coastal Cities, Proc. IAHS, 372, 189–198, 2015 Proc-Iahs.Net/372/189/2015/ Doi:10.5194/Piahs-372-189-2015.
10-FernándezCintaLomba,JosuneHernantesAndLeireLabaka(2019):Guide For Climate-Resilient Cities: An Urban Critical Infrastructures Approach,Sustainability 2019, 11, 4727; Doi: 10.3390/Su11174727,Pp1-19
11-Gardiner Edward P, David D. Herring &James F. Fox,(2019):The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit: Evidence Of Progress, Climatic Change (2019) 153:477–490, Https:// Doi.Org/ 10.1007/S 10584-018-2216-0.
12- IPCC,(2019):SecretaríaDel IPCC C/O OMM 7 Bis, Avenue De La Paix C.P: 2300 CH-1211 Genève 2 SuizaTelephone: +41 22 730 8208/54/84 Fax: +41 22 730 8025 / 13 CorreoElectrónico: IPCC-Sec@Wmo.IntWww.Ipcc.Ch.
13- Lee Tae Cheol,Takashi Asawa, Hidenori Kawai, Rihitu Sato, Yukari Hirayama, Isamu Ohta, (2017):Multipoint Measurement Method For Air Temperature In Outdoor Space And Application To Microclimate And Passive Cooling Studies For A House, Building& Environment 114(2017) 267-280.
14- Liu. Siqi, Jing Wang (2019):Climatic Adaptability Design Strategy Of Residential Zones, Based On Climate Consultant And Ecotect Analysis-- Taking Weidong New Town Community As An Example, 2019 International Conference On Oil &Gas Engineering And Geological Sciences IOP Conf. Series: Earth And Environmental Science 384 (2019) 012017 IOP Publishing Doi:10.1088/1755-1315/384/1/012017
15- LACY Rodolfo,(2018):Climate-Resilient Infrastructure, OECD 2018 ISSN 2309-7841.
16-Meybeck Alexandre, JussiLankoski, Suzanne Redfern, Nadine Azzu And Vincent Gitz,(2012): Building Resilience For Adaptation To Climate Change In The Agriculture Sector, Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Organization For Economic Co-Operation And Development Rome, 2012, Isbn 978-92-5-107373-5
17-NYC Mayor’s Office Of Recovery And Resiliency, (2019): Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines - Version 3.0.
18-Rajkovich Nicholas B., YasmeinOkour,(2019):Climate Change Resilience Strategies For The BuildingSector: Examining Existing Domains Of Resilience Utilized By Design Professionals,Sustainability 2019, 11, 2888; Doi:10.3390/Su11102888.
19-Stevens Amanda,Nicholas B. Rajkovich, (2019):Climate Adaptation By Design: Overview ForNew York State Building Professionals, Final Report| Report Number 18-11c | May 2019, PP: 1-44
20-Sinay Laura, And R. W. (Bill) Carter, (2019):Climate Change Adaptation Options For Coastal Communities And Local Governments, Climate 2020,8,7; Doi:10.3390/Cli8010007 Www.Mdpi.Com/Journal/Climate
21-UNFCCC Adaptation Calendar,(2015):Building Climate Resilience InUrban Areas, United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change, Unci.Int.
22-Wilson Michael T.,(2019):Assessing Voluntary Resilience Standards And Impacts Of Flood Risk Information, Building Research &Information ISSN: 0961-3218 (Print) 1466-4321 (Online) Journal Homepage: Https://Www.Tandfonline.Com/Loi/Rbri20
_||_پیرمحمدی محمد، وحید رفیعی (1394): تأثیر عوامل اقلیمی در طراحی ساختمان و راه رسیدن به طراحی پایدار، همایش ملی عمران و معماری با رویکردی به توسعه پایدار- مرداد 1394.
2-کتابچه اداره آمار سازمان برنامه بودجه استان مازندران-ص 243.
3-مدی، حسین (1390): راهنمای کاربردی اکوتکت اتودسک، چاپ اول، زمستان 90، نشر پندار پارس.
4- مرادی، ساسان (1392): تنظیم شرایط محیطی، ویرایش سوم، چاپ نهم،پائیز 92، انتشارات آرمانشهر.
5- ملأ صالحی ودیعه و هومن شمالی (1393): بررسی ویژگیهای معماری و اقلیمی شهرهای ساحلی دریای خزر با رویکرد اکولوژی نمونه موردی شهر نور، دومین همایش ملی معماری، مرمت شهرسازی و محیطزیست پایدار، 93.
6- AlfraidiYahya, Abdel Halim Boussabaine(2015):Design Resilient Building Strategies In Face Of Climate Change, World Academy Of Science, Engineering And Technology International Journal Of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction And Architectural Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
7- Bellinson Ryan &Eric Chu, (2019):Learning Pathways And The Governance Of Innovations In Urban Climate Change Resilience And Adaptation, Journal Of Environmental Policy &Planning ISSN: 1523-908X (Print) 1522-7200 (Online) Journal Homepage: Http://Www.Tandf Online. Com/ Loi/Cjoe20.
8-Dave Malay, Arvind Varshney& Peter Graham, (2012): Assessing The Climate Change Adaptability Of Buildings, Accarnsi Discussion Paper NodeBuilt Environment, Innovation And Institutional Reform, P P 1-47.
9-Erkens.G T. Bucx, R. Dam, G. De Lange, AndJ. Lambert,(2015):Sinking Coastal Cities, Proc. IAHS, 372, 189–198, 2015 Proc-Iahs.Net/372/189/2015/ Doi:10.5194/Piahs-372-189-2015.
10-FernándezCintaLomba,JosuneHernantesAndLeireLabaka(2019):Guide For Climate-Resilient Cities: An Urban Critical Infrastructures Approach,Sustainability 2019, 11, 4727; Doi: 10.3390/Su11174727,Pp1-19
11-Gardiner Edward P, David D. Herring &James F. Fox,(2019):The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit: Evidence Of Progress, Climatic Change (2019) 153:477–490, Https:// Doi.Org/ 10.1007/S 10584-018-2216-0.
12- IPCC,(2019):SecretaríaDel IPCC C/O OMM 7 Bis, Avenue De La Paix C.P: 2300 CH-1211 Genève 2 SuizaTelephone: +41 22 730 8208/54/84 Fax: +41 22 730 8025 / 13 CorreoElectrónico: IPCC-Sec@Wmo.IntWww.Ipcc.Ch.
13- Lee Tae Cheol,Takashi Asawa, Hidenori Kawai, Rihitu Sato, Yukari Hirayama, Isamu Ohta, (2017):Multipoint Measurement Method For Air Temperature In Outdoor Space And Application To Microclimate And Passive Cooling Studies For A House, Building& Environment 114(2017) 267-280.
14- Liu. Siqi, Jing Wang (2019):Climatic Adaptability Design Strategy Of Residential Zones, Based On Climate Consultant And Ecotect Analysis-- Taking Weidong New Town Community As An Example, 2019 International Conference On Oil &Gas Engineering And Geological Sciences IOP Conf. Series: Earth And Environmental Science 384 (2019) 012017 IOP Publishing Doi:10.1088/1755-1315/384/1/012017
15- LACY Rodolfo,(2018):Climate-Resilient Infrastructure, OECD 2018 ISSN 2309-7841.
16-Meybeck Alexandre, JussiLankoski, Suzanne Redfern, Nadine Azzu And Vincent Gitz,(2012): Building Resilience For Adaptation To Climate Change In The Agriculture Sector, Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Organization For Economic Co-Operation And Development Rome, 2012, Isbn 978-92-5-107373-5
17-NYC Mayor’s Office Of Recovery And Resiliency, (2019): Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines - Version 3.0.
18-Rajkovich Nicholas B., YasmeinOkour,(2019):Climate Change Resilience Strategies For The BuildingSector: Examining Existing Domains Of Resilience Utilized By Design Professionals,Sustainability 2019, 11, 2888; Doi:10.3390/Su11102888.
19-Stevens Amanda,Nicholas B. Rajkovich, (2019):Climate Adaptation By Design: Overview ForNew York State Building Professionals, Final Report| Report Number 18-11c | May 2019, PP: 1-44
20-Sinay Laura, And R. W. (Bill) Carter, (2019):Climate Change Adaptation Options For Coastal Communities And Local Governments, Climate 2020,8,7; Doi:10.3390/Cli8010007 Www.Mdpi.Com/Journal/Climate
21-UNFCCC Adaptation Calendar,(2015):Building Climate Resilience InUrban Areas, United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change, Unci.Int.
22-Wilson Michael T.,(2019):Assessing Voluntary Resilience Standards And Impacts Of Flood Risk Information, Building Research &Information ISSN: 0961-3218 (Print) 1466-4321 (Online) Journal Homepage: Https://Www.Tandfonline.Com/Loi/Rbri20