Side channel attack detection based on improved support vector machine
Subject Areas : network
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Keywords: Cheetah Algorithm, Support Vector Machine, Detection of Side Channel Attacks,
Abstract :
In the articles, various machine learning techniques have been used in the fields of detecting side channel attacks. One of the suitable methods for this purpose is support vector machine. In the latest side channel attack detection research, the metal annealing method is used to simulate and improve the support vector machine. Accurate setting of support vector machine parameters is of great importance to detect side channel attacks, which is considered part of NP-hard problems, and using meta-heuristic methods is a suitable solution for these problems. Search algorithms with high convergence power can reach suitable values for parameters and thus increase the accuracy of attack detection. Cheetah meta-heuristic algorithm has higher convergence power than optimization methods including annealing method. In this article, the cheetah method is used for the first time to improve the support vector machine method in detecting side channel attacks. The simulation results have been used from the DPA Contest v4 dataset, which shows that the proposed method has been able to improve the results of the detection accuracy compared to the support vector machine method and its improved version, the simulated annealing algorithm, by 1%.
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