Stochastic DEA with Using of Skew-Normal Distribution in Error Structure
Subject Areas : Statistics
A. Nazari
M-H .Behzadi
1 - Department of Statistics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Statistics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author
Keywords: تحلیل پوششی دادهها, برنامهریزی درجه دوم, توزیع چوله &, ndash, نرمال, توزیع چوله &, ndash, نرمال بسته,
Abstract :
The stochastic data envelopment analysis (SDEA) was developed considering the value ofinputs and outputs as random variables. Therefore, statistical distributions play an importantrole in this regard. The skew-normal (SN) distribution is a family of probability densityfunctions that is frequently used in practical situations. In this paper, we assume that the inputand output variables are skew-normally distributed. With introducing asymmetric errorstructure for random variables of SN distribution, a stochastic BCC model is provided. Theproposed model includes BCC model assuming a normal distribution of data as well. Finally,the proposed model is used in a numerical example
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