A New multi attribute Decision making Reliability Centered Maintenance in Power Transmission Systems
Subject Areas : StatisticsM. Asghari Gharakheili 1 , M. Fotuhi-Firuzabad 2 *
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology,Tehran,Iran
Keywords: تعمیر و نگهداری مبتنی بر قابلی, تصمیمگیری چندشاخصه, انتخاب المان بحرانی, فرآیند سلسله مراتبی,
Abstract :
The present context of the electric industry, characterized by competitive markets, privatization, and regulatory of technical requirements forces the power utilities to optimize their asset management practices and develop the requisite decision plans techno-economically. Practically approaching, this paper devises a new support tool based on a multiattribute decision making (MADM) framework in combination with analytical hierarchical process (AHP) to determine the most critical components of power transmission systems. Measure of system-wide reliability performance, outage cost, Locational marginal prices demonstrative of market fairness, and network losses are among the attributes considered in this paper for component criticality assessment. With the frequent existence of qualitative and quantitative attributes, the proposed approach can effectively help to deal with the existent uncertainty and conventional judgment vagueness. As verified in a case study on the IEEE Reliability Test System (IEEE-RTS), the proposed framework introduces its applicability and efficiency for the practical asset management optimizations in electric utilities.
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