Measuring Inefficiency Slacks of Network Systems in the presence of Shared Resources
Subject Areas : Statistics
Hossein Azizi
Shahruz Fathi Ajirlu
1 - Department of Applied Mathematics, Parsabad Moghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parsabad Moghan, Iran
2 - Department of Applied Mathematics, Parsabad Moghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parsabad Moghan, Iran
Keywords: اسلکهای ناکارایی, دیدگاههای خوشبینانه و بدبینانه, عملکرد کلی, مدل جمعی, تحلیل پوششی دادهها,
Abstract :
Performance evaluation is one of the important tasks of management in order to better understand the past successes of a manufacturing unit and plan for its future development. The goal is to determine whether the unit can be expected to increase its output with current input, or while maintaining the current production output, how much savings in input can be made merely by increasing efficiency. A system is usually composed of multiple parts, each with a specific function. When we are interested in the performance of the system as a whole unit, where only inputs coming into the system and outputs going out of the system are considered, it is called whole unit or black box analysis, because how inputs are converted into outputs through intermediate products is not considered. The whole unit analysis provides a general idea of the performance of a unit. However, since the system usually consists of several interrelated parts, ignoring the functions of constituent parts may cause misleading results. To properly evaluate the performance of a system, this article proposes a set of additive models. The proposed models measure the inefficiency slacks of a system from both optimistic and pessimistic views. Therefore, an overall performance evaluation for each system is obtained. An example of the banking industry in Iran is offered to explain how to calculate the inefficiency slacks of the system and processes.
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