An approach to find properly efficient solutions nearby ideal point in multi-objective optimization
Subject Areas : StatisticsBehnam Hozzar 1 , Ghasem Tohidi 2 * , behrouz daneshian 3
1 - Department of Mathematics, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
2 - Department of Mathematics, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Mathematics, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: توازن, نقطه ایدآل, اسکالرسازی مجموع وزن دار شده, بهینه سازی چندهدفه, کارای سره,
Abstract :
Trade-off between objective functions in multi-objective optimization is one of the tools for interpreting and studying efficient solutions. Properly efficient solutions are one of the most important theoretical and practical concepts that represent the behavior of the objective functions during a process change. Actually, these solutions are those efficient solutions that filter the anomalies of objective functions at some points, and this will help the manager to decision making to choose more important solutions. One of the most important tools for obtaining solutions with bounded trade-off in multi-objective optimization field is the Sum weighted scalarization method, which many authors have been studying it in interactive optimization field. This paper provides a method for obtaining properly efficient solutions near the ideal point with a theoretical and interactive view and using Sum weighted scalarization method. Since being near to ideal point will be abele to a preference of decision maker; this method examines the preferences of the decision maker without sacrifice the theory. Therefore, this paper presents an approach to finding properly efficient solutions near to the ideal point.
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