Myhill-Nerode Fuzzy Congruences Corresponding to a General Fuzzy Automata
Subject Areas : Statistics
khadijeh abolpour
mohammad mehdi zahedi
marzieh shamsizadeh
1 - Dept. of Math., Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Dept. of Math., Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran
3 - Dept. of Math., Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: اتوماتای فازی عمومی, همنهشتی (مایهیل- نرود), مشبکه, تکواره, صریح,
Abstract :
Myhill-Nerode Theorem is regarded as a basic theorem in the theories of languages and automata and is used to prove the equivalence between automata and their languages. The significance of this theorem has stimulated researchers to develop that on different automata thus leading to optimizing computational models. In this article, we aim at developing the concept of congruence in general fuzzy automata on the basis of Myhill-Nerode. To do so, we first define general fuzzy automata induced by fuzzy right congruence using the concept of fuzzy right congruences on a free monoid. Further, using the concept of language identified by an automaton we will show that in this induced automaton there exists an identifiable language if and only if there is an extension from fuzzy right congruence on a free monoid. As a result, this identified language is equivalent to the crisp language of the very automaton. We also define Nerode fuzzy right congruence and Myhill fuzzy congruence with max-min general fuzzy automata showing that the language identified by general fuzzy automata max-min is equivalent to the language identified by max-min general fuzzy automata induced by Nerode fuzzy right congruence. Finally, we elaborate the concepts through examples.
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