Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the use of Underground Spaces for the Sustainable Development of Urban Public Spaces using the TOPSIS Method (case study: Tehran)
Subject Areas : Environmental crises
Mohammad Mahdi Safaee
محمد سعید ایزدی
Ali Afshar
Hamid Reza Ameri Siyahouei
1 - Ph.D. student in Architecture, Islamic Azad University campus, Kish International Branch, Iran
2 - استادیار گروه طراحی شهری، دانشکده هنر و معماری، دانشگاه بوعلی سینا، همدان، ایران.
3 - Institute of Higher Education of Eqbal Lahoori, Mashhad
4 - گروه معماری . دانشگاه پیام نور . سازمان مرکزی .ایران
Keywords: Urban public space, sustainable development, underground space, TOPSIS method, Tehran city,
Abstract :
Introduction: One of the major issues facing today's cities is the rapid population growth and the decline in per capita urban spaces, which subtly reduces social interactions. Underground urbanism can enhance urban sustainability and resilience. These spaces can contribute to the creation of compact cities, increased density, and prevention of unchecked urban sprawl. The goal of this research was to identify and prioritize the factors influencing the sustainable development of underground spaces as part of urban public areas in Tehran and six selected districts. Materials and Methods: The research was of applied type, which was done in a combined method and in 4 steps. First, a list of effective components and factors was prepared with in-depth study, and then 23 experts were used to evaluate and rank the factors and options. The sampling method was a targeted type that continued until reaching the theoretical saturation point. Confirmatory factor analysis method was used to fit the model. In this way, structural equation model was used by partial least square (PLS) method based on SmartPLS software. Also, TOPSIS technique was used for normalization, de-scaling and finally ranking. |
Results and Discussion: The results showed that the effective components included 4 main factors and 20 sub-factors, and all components in the causal conditions section (main and sub-factors) had Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability. The average value of R2 coefficients (0.088) and the average value of its shared values (0.93) were obtained. The value of GOF equal to (0.382) was obtained, which shows the strong fit of the final research model. Finally, the best choice of Azadi Cultural Complex (0.861) was chosen, followed by Valiasr Crossroads (0.774). Also, the Bamland entertainment complex and the Qur'an museum were ranked last with 0.661 and 0.573, respectively. Conclusion: The use and development of underground spaces as urban public areas face several challenges. These include inefficiency and lack of vibrancy, increased crime rates and insecurity, limited access during emergencies, and additional costs for ventilation and lighting. Furthermore, there are negative public perceptions of underground spaces and issues with communication and location identification. Improving the design of these spaces and gaining public acceptance could enhance the use of underground architecture, potentially addressing the shortage of public spaces in Tehran and leading to greater acceptance. |
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