Investigation of Structural and Corrosion properties of MoS2- WC Reinforced Al/18Cu Layered Composite in Marine Environment
Subject Areas : journal of New Materials
abbas karimi
Morteza Alizadeh
1 - MSc student of Materials Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering, Corrosion and Materials Protection Group, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Accumulative Roll Bonding, Corrosion Properties, Composite, Aluminum 1050, Tungsten Carbide,
Abstract :
Introduction: Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) are of great importance in the industry due to characteristics such as good corrosion resistance, superior elastic modulus, high strength-to-weight ratio, and thermal stability. Among MMCs, Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites (HMMCs), which use two or more reinforcements, offer a combination of desirable properties.
Methods: In this research, to fabricate composite samples, the surfaces of aluminum and copper sheets were first prepared by washing with acetone and brushing. WC and MoS2 powders were heated at 120°C to remove moisture. Four aluminum sheets and one copper sheet were stacked, with WC and MoS2 powders sprinkled on them. Then, these sheets were arranged in a sandwich structure consisting of four layers of aluminum, one layer of copper, and four layers of WC-MoS2, and rolled using a 30-ton rolling mill with a 65% reduction in cross-sectional area at room temperature without any lubricant. After the initial rolling, the sandwich was cut into three equal parts, and after cleaning and surface preparation, they were re-stacked into a new sandwich and rolled with a 60% reduction in cross-sectional area. This process was repeated for seven cycles, according to previous studies on the fabricated samples.
Findings: In this study, the hybrid composite Al/Cu/WC/MoS2 was fabricated using the Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) process over seven cycles. Structural analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns indicated that no new phases were formed. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images confirmed the desirable multilayer structure. The ARB process resulted in the proper distribution of copper metal and WC-MoS2 particles within the aluminum matrix. In the final stage of ARB, the copper metal was distributed in an island-like pattern within the aluminum matrix. Corrosion tests showed that corrosion resistance improved with an increasing number of ARB cycles. The corrosion current density in the hybrid composite produced with seven cycles was lower than in other cycles due to the minimal porosity and homogeneous distribution of MoS2 and WC particles, indicating the highest corrosion resistance. The corrosion current density in the hybrid composite produced with seven cycles was lower than in other cycles due to the least porosity and homogeneous distribution of MoS2 and WC particles, indicating the highest corrosion resistance.
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31- احمدساعتچی و همکاران, استفاده از روشي نوين جهت بررسي خوردگي موضعي آلياژهاي آلومينيوم ،2024 7075 و 6061 در محيطهاي شبه اتمسفر دريايي,مجله مواد نوین,جلد4,شماره1.