Rapid and simultaneous identity of virulence factors and capsular typing of Pasteurella multocida isolated from sheep and goats by Multiplex PCR
Subject Areas : BacteriologySamaneh Danesh Lari 1 , Yahya Tahamtan 2 * , Masoumeh Hayati 3 , Mohammad Kargar 4
1 - Deaprtment of Microbiology, Jahrom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran
2 - Department of Bacteriology, Razi Vaccine and Research Institute-Shiraz, Iran
3 - Department of Bacteriology, Razi Vaccine and Research Institute-Shiraz, Iran
4 - Deaprtment of Microbiology, Jahrom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran
Keywords: Sheep, Multiplex PCR, Pasteurella multocida, Virulence factor, Goats,
Abstract :
Background and objective: Pasteurella multocida exist commensally in respiratory track of a variety of wild and domestic animals. Serotypes A and D are responsible for pneumonia in goats and sheep, and Fimbriae, adhesions, capsule, toxin, iron uptake factor and outer membrane protein are its important virulence factors. The aim of this study was to design a multiplex PCR for fast and simultaneous detection of more important virulence factors of P. multocida isolated from sheep and goats as well as their capsular typing and identification. Materials and Methods: Totally 500 nasal swabs were collected from the goats and sheeps suspected to respiratory signs of pasteurellasis. After isolation abd detection of P. multosida by biochemical examination, the bacteria were assayed by specific primers for identification of major important virulence factors and their capsular typing. Result: Capsular typing of the isolates by PCR showed two capsular types A, D with 83.8% and 6.4% prevalence, respectively. The results also showed that 23 (74.19%), 21 (67.74%), 21(67.74%) and 24(77.4%) of the isolates were positive for presence of toxA, hgbA, ptfA and ompH genes, respectively. Conclusion: The most isolated P. multocida from goat and sheep were toxigenic, and capsular type A was the most common isolates in the Fars province. The remarkable high prevalence of toxA and ompH among the afflicted sheep and goats may imply to important role of these genes in epidemiology and virulence of P. multocida. Furthermore the high prevalence of P. multocida typeA harbor toxA gene can be attributed to its important role in the respiratory infection.
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