Assessment of antifungal activity of Rosemary oil extract and its effect on AFL1 gene expression in Aspergillus flavus by Real-Time PCR
Subject Areas : MycologyMojtaba Mohammadi 1 , Seyyed Jamal Hashemi 2 * , Sasan Rezaei 3 , Mansour Bayat 4
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Medical Mycology, Faculty of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor, Department of Medical Mycology, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Professor, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary, Science and Research Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus, Medical plants, Trichophyton verrucosum, Epidermophyton floccosum,
Abstract :
Background & Objectives: Rosemary is a very important medicinal herb which its effect on toxin-causing and pathogenic fungi is not studied very well. This study was aimed to investigate the antifungal effect of the extract of Rosemary extract on various fungal groups including Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans, Epidermophyton floccussom, Trichophyton verrucosum and its effect on AFL1 gene expression in A. flavus using real-time PCR method. Achieving an effective herbal medicine can be significant due to the limited amount of antifungal drugs and the prevalence of antifungal drug resistance. Materials & Methods: First of all A. flavus and C. albicans were cultured on sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) media and T. verrucosum and E. floccosum were cultured on Mycocell agar media with 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard. Antifungal property of the rosemary extract was investigated using disk diffusion test. Then, the effective Rosemary extract concentration was evaluated using 10 standard tubes and sabouraud dextrose broth. Finally, the effect of Rosemary extract on AFL1 gene expression was examined. Results: Our results indicated that Rosemary extract has an inhibitory effect on various types of fungi so that the mean diameter of the inhibition zone was measured as about 16 to 18 mm. The effective MCI for C. albicans was observed as approximately 4 to 6 mg / L, for A. flavus as 3 to 5 mg /L and for E. floccosum and T. verrucosum as 4 to 6 mg /L. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the inhibitory effect of Rosemary extracts on aflatoxin- producing AFL1 gene expression at the molecular level, very well. Conclusion: The extract of Rosemary can have a considerable inhibitory effect on fungal growth, AFL1 gene expression and aflatoxin production in A. flavus.
licorice plant extract on aflR gene expression aflatoxin production in Aspergillus paraziticus
via Real-time PCR. Modares J Med Sci. 2012; 15(3): 63-77.
2. Eaton DL, Groopman JD. The toxicology of aflatoxins. Academic Press New York. 1994:
3. Nabili M, Moazeni M, Taghizadeh Armaki M, Asgari MR, Nosrati A, Shokohi T. Diagnostic
tools in fungal infections since classical to molecular era. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci. 2013;
23(104): 109-129.
4. Khan R, Islam B, Akram M, Shakil S, Ahmad AA, Ali SM, Siddiqui M, Khan AU.
Antimicrobial activity of five herbal extracts against multi drug resistant (MRD) strains of
bacteria and fungus of clinical origin. Molecules. 2009; 14: 586-597.
5. Moghtader M, Salari H, Farahmand A. Evaluation of the antifungal effects of the rosemary oil
and comparison whit synthetic borneol and funjicide on the growth of Aspergillus flavus. J Ecol
Natural Environ. 2011; 3(6): 210-214.
6. Rota C, Carraminana JJ, Burillo J, Herrera A. In vitro antimicrobial activity of essential oils
from aromatic plans against selected foodborne pathogens. J Food Prot. 2004; 67: 1252-1256.
7. Flamini G, Cioni PL, Morelli I, Macchia M, Ceccarini, L. Main agronimic-productive
characteristics of two ecotypes of Romarinus officinalis L. and chemical composition of their
essential oils. J Agr Food Chem. 2002; 50: 3512-3517.
8. Couladis M, Tzakou O, Verykokidou E. Screening of some Greek aromatic plants for
antioxidant activity. J Phytother Res. 2003; 17: 194-196.
9. Huang MT, Wang ZY, Ferraro T, Lou YR, Stauber K, Georgiadis C, Laskin JD, Conney A.
Inhibition of skin tumorigenesis by rosemary and its constituents carnosol and ursolic acid.
Cancer Res. 1994; 54: 701-708.
10. Yu J, Chang PK, Ehrlish KC, Cary JW, Bhatnagar D, Cleveland TE, Payne GA, Linz JE,
Woloshok CP, Bennett JW. Clustered pathway genes in aflatoxin biosynthesis. Appl Environ
Microbial. 2004; 70(3): 1253-1262.
11. Jamali A. Expression of aflatoxin genes aflO (omtB) and aflQ (ordA) differentiates levels of
aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus strains from soils of pistachio orchards. Res
Microbiol. 2013; 64: 293-299.
12. Yu J, Mohawed SM, Bhatnagar D, Cleveland TE. Substrate-induced lipase gene expression and
aflatoxin production in Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus flavus. J Appl Microbiol. 2003;
95(6): 1334-13420.
13. El-Nagerabi S, Al-Bahry SN, Elshafie A, Al Hilali S. Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract and
Nigella sativa oil on the growth and aflatoxin B1 production of Aspergillus flavus and
Aspergillus rasiticus strains. Food Cont. 2012; 25(1): 59-63.
14. Sienkiewicz M, Pastuszka M. The potential of use uasil and Rosemary essential oils as effective
antibacterial agent. Molecules. 2013; 18: 9334-9351.
15. Moreno S, Vojnov A. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of rozemary extracts linked to
their polyphenol composition. 2006; 40(2): 223-231.
16. Petersen M, Simmonds MSJ. Rosmarinic acid. Phytochem. 2003; 62: 121-125.
17. Lopez-Reyes JG, Spadaro D, Garibaldi A, Gullino ML. Efficacy of plant essential oils on
postharvest control of rots caused by fungi on different stone fruits in vivo. J Food Prot. 2013;
76(4): 631-639.
18. Chifiriuc C, Gumezescu V, saviue C, Lazar V, Andronescu E. Hybrid magnetite nanoparticles/
Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil nanobiosystem with antibiofilm activity. Nanoscale Res Lett.
2012; 7: 209.
19. Crawford JM, Kumar V. Liver and biliary tract. Pathologic basis of disease ed. Elsevier
Saundres. Philadelphia. 2005; p: 924.
20. Espinel-Ingroff AV, Pfaller MA. Susceptibility test methods; yeasts and filamentous fungi. In
Manual of clinical microbiology. 9th ed, Murray. ASM Press. Washington. 2007; p: 1972.
21. Masuda T, Inaba Y, Maekawa T, Takeda Y, Tamura H, Yamaguchi H. Recovery mechanism of
the antioxidant activity from carnosic acid quinine, an oxidized sage and rosemary antioxidant.
J Agric Food Chem. 2002; 50: 5863-5869.
22. Farzaneh M, Ahmadzadeh M, Hadian J, Tehrani AS. Chemical composition and antifugal
activity of the essential oils of three species of Artemisia on some soil-borne phytopathogens–
commun Agric. Apple Biol Sci. 2006; 71(3): 1327-1333.
23. Lopez-Malo A, Barreto-Valdivieso J, Palou E, Martin FS. Aspergillus flavus growth response
to cinnamon extract and sodium benzoate mixtures. Food Control. 2007; 18(11): 1358-1362.
24. Scorzoni L, Benaducci T, Almeida AMF, Silva DHS, Bolzani VS, Mendes-Giannini MJS.
Comparative study of disk diffusion and micro-dilution methods for evaluation of antifungal
activity of natural compounds against medical yeasts Candida spp. and Cryptococcus sp. Rev
Cienc Farm Basica Apl. 2007; 28: 25-34.
25. Santoyo S, Cavero S, Jaime L, Ibanez E, Senorans FJ, Reglero G. Chemical composition and
antimicrobial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil obtained via supercritical fluid
extraction. J Food Prot. 2005; 68(4): 790-795.
26. Watson AJ, Fuller LJ, Jeenes DJ, Archer DB. Homologs of aflatoxin biosynthesis genes and
sequence of aflR in Asperjillus oryzae and Aspergillus sojae. App Environ Microbial. 1999; 65
(1): 307-310.
27. Iu Y, Zu Y, Chen L, Shi X, Wang Z, Sun S, Efferth T. Antimicrobial activity of clove and
Rosemary essential oils alone and in combination. Phytother Res. 2007; 21: 989-994.
28. Pyun MS, Shin S. Antifungal effects of the volatile oils from Allium Plants against
Trichophyton species and synergism of the oils with ketoconazole. Phytomedicine. 2006; 13:
29. Yusuke Matsuzaki T, oshiyuki T, Tatsuji N. Antifungal activity of chimotype essential oil
from Rosemary against Candida albicans. Open J Stomatol. 2013; 3: 176-182.
30. Golshani Z, Davoodi V. Invitro study of antimicrobial effects of Rosemarinus officinalis leaf
extract against some pathogens. Arak Med Univ J. 2013; 16(8): 82-89.
31. Inouye S, Uchida K, Nishiyama Y, Hasumi Y, Yamagushi H, Abe S. Combined effect of
heat, essential oils and salt on the functional activity against Trichophyton mentagrophytes in
foot bath. Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi. 2007; 48: 27-36.
32. Pauli A. Anticandidal low molecular compounds from higher plants with special reference to
compounds from essential oils. Med Res Rev. 2006; 26: 223-268.
33. Celiktas OY, Hames KEE, Bedir E, Vardar SF, Ozek T, Baser KHC. Antimicrobial activities
of methanol extracts and essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, depending on location and
seasonal variations. Food Chem. 2007; 100(2): 553-559.
34. Omidbeygi M, Barzegar H, Hamidi Z, Naghdibadi H. Antifungal activity of thyme, summer
savory and clove essential oils against Aspergillus flavus in liquid medium and tomato paste.
Food Control. 2007; 18: 1518-1523.
35. Nusier M, Batineh H, Daradkah H. Adverse effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus
officinalis L.) on reproductive function in adult male rats. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2007;
232: 809-813.
36. Cheung S, Tai J. Anti-proliferative and antioxidant properties of rosemary Rosmarinus
officinalis. Oncol Res. 2007; 17(6): 525-531.
37. Salem M, Zidan Y. Antifungal activities of two essential oils used in the treatment of three
commercial woods deteriorated by five common mold fungi. Int Biodeterior Biodegred. 2015;
106: 96-98.
38. Schmidt-Heydt M, Abdel-Hadi A, Magan N, Geisen R. Complex regulation of the Aflatoxin
biosynthesis gene cluster of Aspergillus flavus in relation to various combinations of water
activity and temperature. Int J Food Microbiol. 2009; 135(3): 231-237.
39. Gallo A, Epifani F, Bonsegna S, Pascale M, Santino A, Perrone G. Analysis of genes early
expressed during Aspergillus flavus colonization of hazelnut. Int J Food Microbiol. 2010; 137:
40. Scherm B, Palomba M, Serra D, Marcello A, Migheli Q. Detection of transcripts of the
aflatoxin genes aflD, aflO,and aflP by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction allows
differentiation of aflatoxin-producing and non-producing isolates of Aspergillus flavus and
Aspergillus parasiticus. Int J Food Microbiol. 2005; 98(2): 201-210.
41. Gallo A, Solfrizzo M, Epifani F, Panzarini G, Perrone G. Effect of temperature and water
activity on gene expression and aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus on almond medium.
Int J Food Microbiol. 2016; 217: 162-169
licorice plant extract on aflR gene expression aflatoxin production in Aspergillus paraziticus
via Real-time PCR. Modares J Med Sci. 2012; 15(3): 63-77.
2. Eaton DL, Groopman JD. The toxicology of aflatoxins. Academic Press New York. 1994:
3. Nabili M, Moazeni M, Taghizadeh Armaki M, Asgari MR, Nosrati A, Shokohi T. Diagnostic
tools in fungal infections since classical to molecular era. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci. 2013;
23(104): 109-129.
4. Khan R, Islam B, Akram M, Shakil S, Ahmad AA, Ali SM, Siddiqui M, Khan AU.
Antimicrobial activity of five herbal extracts against multi drug resistant (MRD) strains of
bacteria and fungus of clinical origin. Molecules. 2009; 14: 586-597.
5. Moghtader M, Salari H, Farahmand A. Evaluation of the antifungal effects of the rosemary oil
and comparison whit synthetic borneol and funjicide on the growth of Aspergillus flavus. J Ecol
Natural Environ. 2011; 3(6): 210-214.
6. Rota C, Carraminana JJ, Burillo J, Herrera A. In vitro antimicrobial activity of essential oils
from aromatic plans against selected foodborne pathogens. J Food Prot. 2004; 67: 1252-1256.
7. Flamini G, Cioni PL, Morelli I, Macchia M, Ceccarini, L. Main agronimic-productive
characteristics of two ecotypes of Romarinus officinalis L. and chemical composition of their
essential oils. J Agr Food Chem. 2002; 50: 3512-3517.
8. Couladis M, Tzakou O, Verykokidou E. Screening of some Greek aromatic plants for
antioxidant activity. J Phytother Res. 2003; 17: 194-196.
9. Huang MT, Wang ZY, Ferraro T, Lou YR, Stauber K, Georgiadis C, Laskin JD, Conney A.
Inhibition of skin tumorigenesis by rosemary and its constituents carnosol and ursolic acid.
Cancer Res. 1994; 54: 701-708.
10. Yu J, Chang PK, Ehrlish KC, Cary JW, Bhatnagar D, Cleveland TE, Payne GA, Linz JE,
Woloshok CP, Bennett JW. Clustered pathway genes in aflatoxin biosynthesis. Appl Environ
Microbial. 2004; 70(3): 1253-1262.
11. Jamali A. Expression of aflatoxin genes aflO (omtB) and aflQ (ordA) differentiates levels of
aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus strains from soils of pistachio orchards. Res
Microbiol. 2013; 64: 293-299.
12. Yu J, Mohawed SM, Bhatnagar D, Cleveland TE. Substrate-induced lipase gene expression and
aflatoxin production in Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus flavus. J Appl Microbiol. 2003;
95(6): 1334-13420.
13. El-Nagerabi S, Al-Bahry SN, Elshafie A, Al Hilali S. Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract and
Nigella sativa oil on the growth and aflatoxin B1 production of Aspergillus flavus and
Aspergillus rasiticus strains. Food Cont. 2012; 25(1): 59-63.
14. Sienkiewicz M, Pastuszka M. The potential of use uasil and Rosemary essential oils as effective
antibacterial agent. Molecules. 2013; 18: 9334-9351.
15. Moreno S, Vojnov A. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of rozemary extracts linked to
their polyphenol composition. 2006; 40(2): 223-231.
16. Petersen M, Simmonds MSJ. Rosmarinic acid. Phytochem. 2003; 62: 121-125.
17. Lopez-Reyes JG, Spadaro D, Garibaldi A, Gullino ML. Efficacy of plant essential oils on
postharvest control of rots caused by fungi on different stone fruits in vivo. J Food Prot. 2013;
76(4): 631-639.
18. Chifiriuc C, Gumezescu V, saviue C, Lazar V, Andronescu E. Hybrid magnetite nanoparticles/
Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil nanobiosystem with antibiofilm activity. Nanoscale Res Lett.
2012; 7: 209.
19. Crawford JM, Kumar V. Liver and biliary tract. Pathologic basis of disease ed. Elsevier
Saundres. Philadelphia. 2005; p: 924.
20. Espinel-Ingroff AV, Pfaller MA. Susceptibility test methods; yeasts and filamentous fungi. In
Manual of clinical microbiology. 9th ed, Murray. ASM Press. Washington. 2007; p: 1972.
21. Masuda T, Inaba Y, Maekawa T, Takeda Y, Tamura H, Yamaguchi H. Recovery mechanism of
the antioxidant activity from carnosic acid quinine, an oxidized sage and rosemary antioxidant.
J Agric Food Chem. 2002; 50: 5863-5869.
22. Farzaneh M, Ahmadzadeh M, Hadian J, Tehrani AS. Chemical composition and antifugal
activity of the essential oils of three species of Artemisia on some soil-borne phytopathogens–
commun Agric. Apple Biol Sci. 2006; 71(3): 1327-1333.
23. Lopez-Malo A, Barreto-Valdivieso J, Palou E, Martin FS. Aspergillus flavus growth response
to cinnamon extract and sodium benzoate mixtures. Food Control. 2007; 18(11): 1358-1362.
24. Scorzoni L, Benaducci T, Almeida AMF, Silva DHS, Bolzani VS, Mendes-Giannini MJS.
Comparative study of disk diffusion and micro-dilution methods for evaluation of antifungal
activity of natural compounds against medical yeasts Candida spp. and Cryptococcus sp. Rev
Cienc Farm Basica Apl. 2007; 28: 25-34.
25. Santoyo S, Cavero S, Jaime L, Ibanez E, Senorans FJ, Reglero G. Chemical composition and
antimicrobial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil obtained via supercritical fluid
extraction. J Food Prot. 2005; 68(4): 790-795.
26. Watson AJ, Fuller LJ, Jeenes DJ, Archer DB. Homologs of aflatoxin biosynthesis genes and
sequence of aflR in Asperjillus oryzae and Aspergillus sojae. App Environ Microbial. 1999; 65
(1): 307-310.
27. Iu Y, Zu Y, Chen L, Shi X, Wang Z, Sun S, Efferth T. Antimicrobial activity of clove and
Rosemary essential oils alone and in combination. Phytother Res. 2007; 21: 989-994.
28. Pyun MS, Shin S. Antifungal effects of the volatile oils from Allium Plants against
Trichophyton species and synergism of the oils with ketoconazole. Phytomedicine. 2006; 13:
29. Yusuke Matsuzaki T, oshiyuki T, Tatsuji N. Antifungal activity of chimotype essential oil
from Rosemary against Candida albicans. Open J Stomatol. 2013; 3: 176-182.
30. Golshani Z, Davoodi V. Invitro study of antimicrobial effects of Rosemarinus officinalis leaf
extract against some pathogens. Arak Med Univ J. 2013; 16(8): 82-89.
31. Inouye S, Uchida K, Nishiyama Y, Hasumi Y, Yamagushi H, Abe S. Combined effect of
heat, essential oils and salt on the functional activity against Trichophyton mentagrophytes in
foot bath. Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi. 2007; 48: 27-36.
32. Pauli A. Anticandidal low molecular compounds from higher plants with special reference to
compounds from essential oils. Med Res Rev. 2006; 26: 223-268.
33. Celiktas OY, Hames KEE, Bedir E, Vardar SF, Ozek T, Baser KHC. Antimicrobial activities
of methanol extracts and essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, depending on location and
seasonal variations. Food Chem. 2007; 100(2): 553-559.
34. Omidbeygi M, Barzegar H, Hamidi Z, Naghdibadi H. Antifungal activity of thyme, summer
savory and clove essential oils against Aspergillus flavus in liquid medium and tomato paste.
Food Control. 2007; 18: 1518-1523.
35. Nusier M, Batineh H, Daradkah H. Adverse effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus
officinalis L.) on reproductive function in adult male rats. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2007;
232: 809-813.
36. Cheung S, Tai J. Anti-proliferative and antioxidant properties of rosemary Rosmarinus
officinalis. Oncol Res. 2007; 17(6): 525-531.
37. Salem M, Zidan Y. Antifungal activities of two essential oils used in the treatment of three
commercial woods deteriorated by five common mold fungi. Int Biodeterior Biodegred. 2015;
106: 96-98.
38. Schmidt-Heydt M, Abdel-Hadi A, Magan N, Geisen R. Complex regulation of the Aflatoxin
biosynthesis gene cluster of Aspergillus flavus in relation to various combinations of water
activity and temperature. Int J Food Microbiol. 2009; 135(3): 231-237.
39. Gallo A, Epifani F, Bonsegna S, Pascale M, Santino A, Perrone G. Analysis of genes early
expressed during Aspergillus flavus colonization of hazelnut. Int J Food Microbiol. 2010; 137:
40. Scherm B, Palomba M, Serra D, Marcello A, Migheli Q. Detection of transcripts of the
aflatoxin genes aflD, aflO,and aflP by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction allows
differentiation of aflatoxin-producing and non-producing isolates of Aspergillus flavus and
Aspergillus parasiticus. Int J Food Microbiol. 2005; 98(2): 201-210.
41. Gallo A, Solfrizzo M, Epifani F, Panzarini G, Perrone G. Effect of temperature and water
activity on gene expression and aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus on almond medium.
Int J Food Microbiol. 2016; 217: 162-169