Electronic Kanban, a new approach in providing lean management and feeding production lines (educational organizations related to production)
Subject Areas :Davood Mafi Balani 1 , Ebrahim Nazari Farokhi 2 *
1 - PHD student of Information Technology, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dafos Aja, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: electronic Kanban, Lean production, educational management, organizations,
Abstract :
Undoubtedly, the transition from mass production to lean and agile production, today with the emergence of new management topics and tools and the emphasis on supporting national production, Iranian work and capital is considered as a necessity in our country and in order to achieve world-class and capable production. Competing with other countries, the need for a deep understanding of the concepts and literature of "refining" is felt more than ever. The purpose of this research is to investigate the electronic Kanban system, the use of supply modules, which achieves the supply goals of the organization with low cost and energy considering information technology systems. Documentary and library methods have been used to collect data. In this research, the electronic kanban model and its improved effects after being applied in the production organization were designed, and then creative patterns for the development of new systems were presented as the basis for the development of electronic production planning and control models. Production management is one of the challenges faced by production organizations in the field of global competition, and moving towards the development of innovative models and gaining comparative advantage with the help of these models attracts large investments annually by these organizations. Kanban is one of the powerful tools for planning and monitoring production in the just-in-time system (just-in-time production system) in recent years, it has attracted the attention of Iran's production organizations, and the implementation of its evolved models with the help of new information technology technologies will definitely reduce the impact of opportunity. The lost in this way will be effective for these organizations.
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