The Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among the Employees in regions 1 and 2 of the Education Ministry in Khorramabad
Subject Areas :Hassan Mahjub Eshrat Ab 1 * , Mohammad Mirkamaly 2 , Vali morad Kiani 3
1 - عضو هیات علمی
2 - عضو هیات علمی
3 - دانشجو
Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, Key words: Organizational Justice,
Abstract :
Abstract The aim of this research was to explore the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior among the employees of regions 1 and 2 of the Education Ministry in Khorramabad. The used research method was descriptive and correlation. All employees in these two districts constituted the population of this study; from among them168 employees were selected, using random sampling. Instruments for this study included two researcher-made questionnaires: Organizational Justice and Citizenship Behavior Questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed through descriptive statistics indices and statistical tests, including Pearson correlation, regression, one-way ANOVA, and independent t-test. The results of data analysis indicated that there was a positive relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior (P< .0.1). In addition, results from stepwise regression revealed only the loyalty component could predict organizational justice. The results of t-test also showed a significant difference between the employee’s genders. And finally, results of one-way ANOVA indicated that the difference between organizational justice and the education level, that was actually a demographic variable, was significant.
منابع فارسی
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