The Effect of Teaching Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Organizational Commitment of the Welfare- Recreation 0rganization
Subject Areas :
Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, Organizational Commitment, normative commitment, emotional commitment, continuous commitment,
Abstract :
Nowadays, the concept of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has attracted managers and researcher’s affection. Taking these behaviors into account can be one important of increasing way effectiveness in organizations. The aim of the present study was investigating the effect of organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Organizational Commitment of employees in welfare-recreation organization in Kashan. The design of this study was the quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest with control group. The sample included 60 employees of welfare- recreational organization in Kashan. Measurement instruments used in this study ware two research-made questionnaires including (43 and 24) themes based on Likert scale. Reliability of the questionnaires ware estimated as 0.92 and 0.72 respectively using the Cronbach Alpha. The data was analyzed at levels of descriptive (mean‚ digression‚ frequency, percent) and inferential (f test, Levine’s test, co-variation). Effect of OCB on factors such as Normative Commitment, Emotional Commitment, Continuous Commitment, and organizational Commitment was studied. The results indicated that OCB was effective in this research for increasing Organizational Commitment, Normative Commitment, and Emotional Commitment; however, but it had no significant effect on Continuous Commitment.