The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship among MA Students
Subject Areas :Asghar Moshabbaki 1 * , Mohammadi Mehdi Ali tabarbaee 2 , Zahra Shayganfard 3
1 - عضو هیات علمی
2 - دانشجو
3 -
Keywords: Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, University, entrepre - neur- ship,
Abstract :
Abstract: The aim of this study is verifying the relationship between emotional intelligence and entrepreneur- ship among MA students of management in Islamic Azad University Mazandaran. Based on Krejcie & Morgan's sampling size table, we selected 66 out of 80 students as sample group which finally ended up with 60 due to the missing data collected. In this study, we used Bar-On Emotional Intelligence questionnaire and Scarborough & Zimmerer's entrepreneurship questionnaire. The results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between any one of the four components of emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship. The coefficients of correlation are respectively r=0.359 r=0.374 r=0.333 r=0.389 with p>0.01.
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