The Impact of Spirituality on the Work Ethics of the Educational Staff of Golestan Province to Provide Model
Subject Areas :
Seyede Fateme Mirabedini
mohammad Salehi
Kiumars Niazazari
1 - PhD Student in Educatiomal Administration,Gorgan branch,Islamic Azad University,Gorgan,Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
3 - Faculty Member, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
Keywords: Spirituality, increasing the desire to work, valuing work ethic, Education and Training Organization,
Abstract :
At present, organizations are looking for concepts such as spirituality based on the new management paradigm. The present study seeks to present and develop a model of the effect of spirituality on the work ethic of employees in the Education Organization of Golestan Province. In order to present the model, a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative) and data foundation theory method were used. Qualitative sampling by snowball method and in-depth interviews with 26 managers and experts of the Education and Training Organization identified the model and in a quantitative part to adjust the sample size, Cochran's formula and Morgan table are used and the number of samples is about 145 people. Designated. Data analysis was performed by contextual theorizing method based on three types of open, axial and selective coding. For axial coding, the paradigm model of Strauss and Corbin was used and spirituality was identified as a central category. The components of the paradigm model for axial coding are the central category, the causal conditions, the prevailing context, the intervening conditions, the strategies and interactions, and the consequences. The presence of spirituality in the organization affects work ethic and leads to effective communication, increased intimacy, improved working conditions, importance to colleagues, non-corruption of managers, increased willingness to work, commitment and appreciation of ethical work. Therefore, by exploiting and strengthening spirituality in the workplace, a suitable platform can be provided for the development of personal and organizational behaviors.