Evaluation of carrying capacity of Bamdej Wetland of Khuzestan with emphasis on aspects of conservation
Subject Areas : Marine Chemistry
S.A. Jozi
N. Moradi Majd
1 - Dep. Of Environment, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
2 - Dep. Of Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khuzestan Science Research Branch
Keywords: Khuzestan, conservation value, TOPSIS method, wetland, ecological value, rapid evaluation methods, Bamdej Wetlands,
Abstract :
Bamdej Wetland is located 40 km north of Ahwaz, with area of 4000 hectares. Bamdej Wetland is a natural wetland with great ecological, scientific outing and economical value which in case it can be preserved and revived will raise all values as a self regulating collection.First, the ranges of studies were identified ,and four sampling stations were selected. The were sampled randomly. During experiments BOD5, COD, nitrates, phosphates, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, temperature, DO, salinity, TSS and TDS were measured. Then, the results of water quality system are exmind. Ecological evaluation study area was performed using fusion rapid assessment and TOPSIS. In this way resources were based to 13 groups include: the extent of the wetland, vegetation around the wetland, the width of buffer, soil status, connecting with other water sources, depth of wetland, source of water supply, time of wetness, normal disturbances, habitat development, type of wetland cover, and biodiversity of plants. Comparing the annual quality indicator of each station with a table of water quality index indicate that the station 3 is belong to the third group and station 1, 2 and 4, belong to fourth group classification system of water quality indicator. Finally, Bamdej Wetland earned 59 points of 85 possible points of rapid evaluation method. This expression that wetland desirable conservation value is (grade 2). TOPSIS method was used for analys some important ecological factors of Bamdej Wetland. The results confirm that wetness time of Bamdej Wetlands weighing of 1.483 is the most important criteria of its value.