BOD Dispersion Modeling in Minab Reservoir
Subject Areas : Marine BiologyM. Saghafi 1 * , K. Keyhan 2 , M. Mahdavi 3
1 - Environmental Expert of YEKOM Consulting Engineers
2 - Business Development Manager of Yekom Consulting Engineers
3 - Fisheries Dep. Faculty of Natural Recourses, Tehran University
Keywords: Modeling, BOD, MIKE3, Minab Dam, Wet, Dry,
Abstract :
The multi-purpose Minab Dam reservoir has been studied in this article. 8 scenarios determined for 2 kinds of pollutants, Conservative & Decay. Where the pollutants in two points, one near the dam axis (or the first scenario, S1) and another at the inlet reservoir (the second scenario, S2) will be discharged, in both wet time (2005) and drought (2007) has defined and implemented.In these studies, acronyms are: wet and drought, respectively, with signs of W and D, respectively, with symptoms of Decay & Conservative Mass, D and C.Comparison of two scenarios D.C.S1 and W.C.S1 shows that distribution of pollutant in the first hours, while almost 120 hours after the entry of pollutants is similar to the dispersion of pollutants in the environment is wet most of the time of drought.In scenarios W.C.S2 and D.C.S2, the only difference is dispersion time in the first hours; the surface is occupied by the same pollutants.Theonly difference is about approximately 5 to 10 days after entry of pollutants into the environment. In this way the wet dispersion of pollutants is increasing, while at the same time, drought in the initial distribution rate of diffusion remains.Scenarios can be seen that the amount of pollutants in D.D.S1 and W.D.S1, decay mass is reduced during dispersion.Similar conclusionsof W.D.S2 and D.D.S2 were also as same as two other scenarios W.D.S1 and D.D.S1 shows.This study shows that dispersion of pollutants inthe aqueous environment is affected by two parameter: 1) Nature of pollutants being dispersed in (Conservative or Decay), 2)The time, wet and drought.