Antioxidant effect of Spirulina fed Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by the Enzyme Glutathione proxidase
Subject Areas : Marine BiologyE. Emitazjo 1 , Z. Dehghani Motalagh 2 * , M. Zeinali 3
1 - Dept. of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
2 - Dept. of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
3 - Dept. of Chemistry, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry
Keywords: Rainbow trout, Antioxidant, Spirulina, Glutathione peroxidase,
Abstract :
Spirulina is filamentous cyanobacteria and is used in aquaculture industry. In this investigation antioxidative effects of fish trouts(Onchronchus mykiss) feeded with Spirulina was studied. Changes in Glutathione peroxidase enzyme (GPX) was employed for this evaluation. Main stages of this investigation was performed in fish trout culture farm in Tehran. One hundred and twenty trouts with 17±2 gram weight were feeded in 5 treatments. Feed treatments included blank1 (without Spirulina), blank2 binder (without Spirulina) and three different doses of Spirulina 2.5%,5%,7.5% with binder. Spirulina with colza oil binder was mixed with food after weighing required amount of food for every pool. Fish were then fed 3 times a day for 90 day. After sampling , the special activity of GPx in liver, spleen and muscle tissue was investigated using Wendell's method. This assay indicated that increase in Spirulinapercentage in diet to 7.5 and 5% , enhanced amount of glutathione peroxidase activity in spleen to 61.52%. Also with increase in the amount of feeding with Spirulina , amount of glutathione peroxidase specific activity declined to about 21.95% in liver tissue and to 9.4% in muscles. Results of this study indicated that feeding fish with Spirulina resulted in enhancement of antioxidant activity of GPx enzyme in spleen and reduction of its activity in muscle and liver tissues of trout. .