Gender Determination of Huso huso in Khuzestan Province using Ultrasound Method
Subject Areas : FisheryA. Mohammad Salehi 1 * , M. Velayatzadeh 2
1 - Dept. of Fishery, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Branch, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Young researchers and Elite club, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Khuzestan province, Ultrasonography, Siberian sturgeon, ultrasound method, gender determination,
Abstract :
Gender determination in the fisheries industry is important for the propagation and cultivation of economically valuable fish. In fish meat, due to the extraction of caviar, the proper method of gender determination is essential. This research was conducted in 1396 on Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), in a closed circuit system, at the Hanusushadeh sturgeon farm, in Khuzestan province. To determine the gender, the fish were first anesthetized in a tub with 100 ppm of eugenol. They were then weighed using a digital scale, with a precision of one gram. In this research, gender determination of all fish was carried out with 100% accuracy. Of the 1,000 pieces of Siberian sturgeon, 630 male and 570 female pieces were studied. Females, in stages 2, 3 and 4 had a mean weight of 5254.32±48.82 g, 6670.49±56.75 g and 642.66±56.09 g, respectively, and were 3 to 4 years old. The average weight of male fish was 7238.62 ± 71.66 g. Given that gender evaluation on all fish was carried out using ultrasound, this method can be considered the best and most reliable method for determining the gender of sturgeon, as the use of methods which cause the least stress in fish is always a priority.
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