Investigation of Zinc on some biochemical indices of the farmed Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)
Subject Areas : Marine BiologyM. Shakoori 1 * , S. Abdali 2 , H. Negarestan 3
1 - Dept. of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
2 - Dept. of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
3 - Dept. of Fishery, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
Keywords: Protein, Cholesterol, glucose, albumin, Triglyceride, Zinc nitrate, Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix),
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity effect of zinc heavy metal on some serological parameters on Silver carp in the vicinity with zinc in short term. In order to do this study a total of 135 fish with mean weight 50±10gr and mean length 13±1cm were located to adjacent to 0.5 and 10 mg/L of Zn (NO3)2 in 9 Aquarium with 90 liter of capacity.Sampling of fish was done randomly each 12 hours until 96 hours from caudal vein. The result showed that the level of cholesterol in 10 mg/L treatments in 96 hours were significant difference with 5 mg/ L and control treatments (p<0/05). The results showed that the minimum amount of cholesterol in 10 mg/L treatment in 96 hours was (10.83±0.2 mg/ dL) and the maximum amount was found in 5 ppm treatment in 48 hours was (102.7±22.7 mg/dL). Mean triglyceride fluctuated, so that the maximum amount of triglyceride was found in 10 mg/L treatment in 12 hours (93±14) mg/dL) and the minimum in 96 hours in 5 mg/L treatment was (24.4±2 mg dl). By increasing the concentration of zinc. albumin level were increased significantly. The minimum amount was found in control treatment which was (0.73±0.14 g/dL) and the maximum level in 5 m/g/L treatment at 96 hours was (9.03±0.6 g/dL). Total protein levels were decreased significantly (p<0.05). The minimum amount of total proteins in 5 mg/L treatment at 96 hours was (0/043±0/003) g/dL, and the maximum amount was at 12 hours in 10 mg/L treatment at (3/53±0/3)g/dL. Based on results, Hematological and biochemical parameters are useful for monitoring of Zinc acute toxicity in Silver carp.