Effect of Different Displacement Methods (Fishing Net and Fish Pump) on Blood Parameters of Sparus aurata
Subject Areas : FisheryH. Najar hadavi 1 , Mohammad Kazemiyan 2 * , H. Emadi 3
1 - Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
2 - Dept. of Fisheries/Faculty of Marine science and technology/Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
3 - Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
Keywords: Stress, hematological factors, Fish pump,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fish displacement using fishing net and fish pump on the apparent characteristics and blood factors of Sparus aurata fishes in Tiyab Pran Qeshm workshop. The statistical population consisted of 1500 fish with an average weight of 10 g. In the control group, fish were kept calm and were not subjected to any tension and pressure. The second group consisted of a treatment in which the displacement was carried out using fishing net and the third group was the treatment in which a fish pump was used for transferring the fish. Regarding the hematological parameters, the highest number of red blood cells (1.49) and white blood cells (46.91) in cubic millimeters were recorded in fish samples displaced using the fish pump. Similarly, the maximum amount of lactate (58.66) and cortisol (1.32) in ng / ml, glucose (64.01 mg / dl) and chlorine (130.55 μm) were obtained in the treatment using the fish pump. The results of the study showed that the tensions that were introduced to the fish while using the fish pump were more compared with the treatment using fishing net (p <0.05). However, the use of the fish pump caused less mechanical damage and less fish mortality, and more fish could be displaced using this method and during transfer fish did not suffer from lack of oxygen, as they were in the water during the transfer, and received enough oxygen. Therefore, displacement of fish with a fish pump, taking into account the necessary measures to reduce stress, can be considered as reliable methods for transferring more fish from acceptable mechanical damage.
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