Numerical investigation of performance and combustion of 16RK215 engine with hydrogen and diesel fuel mixture using reactive control compression ignition method.
Subject Areas : Energy & Enviroment
Misagh Khadem fini
Hossein Ghomashi
1 -
2 - Professor at South Tehran Azad University
Keywords: Engine combustion, dual fuel, rail and marine applications,
Abstract :
With the aim of improving the performance and emissions of the 16RK215 heavy diesel engine, the numerical simulation of hydrogen-diesel combustion was carried out on this engine with the new compression ignition method of reactive control. In the first phase, combustion simulation is done with 100% diesel fuel, and after verification, in the second phase, dual fuel combustion simulation is done. With the aim of maximum use of hydrogen gas, two-fuel combustion simulation of reactive control compression ignition (RCCI) is carried out by using 70% of hydrogen gas with an equivalence ratio of 0.35 and diesel fuel with 30% of the total share of input fuel. Then, in each step, the amount of hydrogen decreases by 10% and the amount of diesel fuel increases by 10%. By increasing the amount of hydrogen, the results show that the maximum combustion pressure decreases and leads to an increase of about 5% of power. NOx, CO, SOOT are reduced due to poor or so-called lean mixture of fuel and incoming air. In the third phase, by keeping the amount of diesel fuel constant, the effect of the variable amount of hydrogen is checked, which increases the maximum combustion pressure and the temperature inside the chamber in the condition of constant injection of 40% diesel. In the condition of 80% hydrogen compared to 20% hydrogen, the amount of NOx pollutants increased by 90%, CO decreased by 61% and UHC decreased by 49%.
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