Compilation of the Model of Organizational Culture, Organizational Silence and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Sports Employees of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army
Subject Areas :
1 - PhD of strategic management in sports organizations of Islamic Azad University, Tehran branch, north of Tehran, Iran
Keywords: organizational culture, organizational silence, organizational citizenship behavior,
Abstract :
This research was conducted with the aim of presenting organizational culture model, organizational silence and organizational citizenship behavior of athletes of IRAN army command staff. The present research is a descriptive-correlative type based on structural equations. The statistical population of this research includes all staff athletes of the IRAN Command's Chiefs of Staff in 650 people, of whom 242 were selected by simple random sampling. The instruments used in this research were Denison's Organizational Culture Questionnaire (2000), Wakola and Borados (2005) Organizational Silence Questionnaire (2005) and Organon's Civic Organizational Behavior Questionnaire (1996). Their reliability was 0.906 0.772 based on Cronbach's alpha And 0.786. According to some professors, regarding the validity of questionnaires, it was found that the questionnaires had an acceptable reliability and validity. The results of this study showed that there is the highest number of individuals in groups, component officer, age from 39 to 45, the amount of service between 16-20, the level of baccalaureate education and the amount of exercise activity between 21 and 25 years in descriptive statistics. According to the results of inferential statistics, there is not a significant relationship between organizational culture and organizational citizenship behavior with organizational citizenship behavior in organizational culture, but organizational culture has a direct and inverse relationship with organizational silence, which indicates that increase or decrease Organizational culture reduces or increases organizational silence.
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