Identifying Factors Affecting the Success of Branding of Small Economic Enterprises through Participation in Sports
Subject Areas :
Ehsan Asadollahi
1 - Master of sports management, Employee of the Ministry of Sports and Youth
2 - Associate Professor, faculty member of Sanabad Golbahar Institute of Higher Education, Golbahar, Iran.
Keywords: Private Sector, Sports Development, Branding, Economic Enterprise,
Abstract :
The participation of the private sector can help the development of sports. The purpose of this research was to identify the factors affecting the success of branding of small businesses through participation in sports. This research was applied from the point of view of the objective, qualitative in terms of the data type, and exploratory in terms of the analysis method. The statistical population of this research was Business experts, university professors, owners of small businesses and sports brands and marketing specialists. The sampling method in the qualitative part was purposeful and the number of samples was based on the theoretical saturation of the data, and finally 16 people were interviewed. Coding of the interviews was done by thematic analysis method, and the interpretive structural modeling method was used to level the components using Micmac software. The analysis of the interviews finally reached 7 selective codes which included gaining credibility, social interaction, gaining opportunities through sports, market building, creating positive value, improving approach and promotional measures. Interpretive structural analysis showed that the highest level of influence was related to the social interaction component and the highest level of influence was also related to the market building component. Using these results, the private sector can be encouraged to invest in sports and advertising through sports.