Analyzing Binary Oppositions in Hassan Alwan’s Novel Mouton Sageer Through the Eyes of Iranian Mystics
Subject Areas : Mystic Literaturرضا ناظمیان 1 * , mansooreh doagoo 2
1 - The Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University
2 - Ph. D. Candidate of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University
Keywords: Mouton Sageer (A Small Death), Binary Oppositions, Mystical Point of View, Unity in Plurality, World Peace,
Abstract :
Binary oppositions have long captivated mystics and are a focal point for structuralists, who often build the foundation of texts around them. By emphasizing these dichotomies, they aim to unveil a unified system and gain deeper insights into the text. In "Mouton Sageer" (A Small Death), binary oppositions play a central role, and this study examines their significance in the story of Hassan Alwan through a descriptive-analytical approach. Drawing from Ibn Arabi's mystical themes, the research delves into the perspectives of Iranian mystics to elucidate the author's underlying framework. The title "A Small Death" symbolizes an earthly love that undergoes a transformation, elevating a mortal being to a celestial realm and fostering a connection to true love. Alvan's work strives to expound upon an intellectual system rooted in binary oppositions, illustrating a mystical concept of "unity in plurality" where love serves as the unifying principle. The ultimate goal is to bring harmony to the current world, transcending conflict, as Alvan posits love as the key element that binds individuals together.
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