Sanāī and Professional Ethics
Subject Areas : Mytho
Soheilā MousviSirjāni
Mahdiyeh Mansouri
1 - The Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, South Tehran Branch
2 - Ph. D. Candidatee of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Roudehen Branch
Keywords: society, Business, Sanāī, Mystical Professional Ethics, Mystic Journey,
Abstract :
Ethics is one the most principal concerns of humans. It determinates the limits of normal behavior and acts. No institution and profession can live without ethical concerns. Ethics has religious and mystical origin and is influenced by custom, culture, history and other social phenomena. Indeed, there is a continuous interaction among these factors that bring about changes in the principles, values and norms of society and define the characteristics of the acceptable patterns of personal and social behaviors. Professional ethics are the codes and standards that a man/woman or an organized group of people working in the same occupation must respect. Indeed, Professional ethics are process of rational thinking, its aim is to nourish the values that must be protected and spread in the society. The present article tries to study the subjects of professional ethics in the poems of Sanāī and his book Hadiqat al Haqiqa. According to him, mysticism and Sufism are means for promoting ethics, knowledge and any attempt. Anyone who considers ethical manners modifies his/her demands for others' sake, and serves to others by strengthening his/her spirituality. Sanāī insists that God, as the highest beauty, is the ultimate criterion of ethics. According to his system of thought, approximation to god, obtaining the consent of Him and accessing to social justice and freedom are the ideal of ethical codes.
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