The Place of Love in the Mystical Commentary of Arāis al-bayān
Subject Areas : Mytho
ghodraoi alah khyyatyan
fateme soleimani koshali
1 - دانشیار عرفان و تصواف دانشگاه سمنان
2 - دانشجوی دکتری عرفان و تصوف دانشگاه سمنان
Keywords: love, Ruzbihan Baqli, Arāis al-bayān, Mystical Commentaries,
Abstract :
From the second A.H. century, the subject of love was proposed by mystics like Rābia al-Adawiyya, and in the next centuries, despite opposing some of Islamic jurists and people of Hadith, continued to develop and reached to its peak in the thoughts of mystics like Ruzbihan Baqli (1128-1209). Ruzbihan founded his school of thought based on the concept of love; the approach which is prominent and impressive in all of his works, especially Arāis al-bayān (Brides of Elucidation). This mystical commentary tries to discover the mystical ideas of Quran. It reveals the deep contemplations of Ruzbihan about the divine revelation, and reflects his pure thoughts about love to God and the ways of reaching it. In the present article, we try to show the place of love in Arāis al-bayān.
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