The Role of Dialogue in the Relationship between Master and Devotee in Mantiq-u-Tayr; Based on Theory of Constructivism
Subject Areas : MythoEffat Sadat Ghafouri 1 * , Gholamreza Pirouz 2 , Siavash Haghjoo 3 , Soheila Hashemi 4
1 - Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University
2 - Associated Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University
4 - Associated Professor of Education, Mazandaran University
Keywords: Constructivism, education, dialogue, Mantiq-u-Tayr, Vygotsky,
Abstract :
Dialogue has opened a new horizon for reading texts in literature. By using dialogue, Attār of Nishapur has tried to explain the relationship between master and devotee, so to interpret spiritual journey (Suluk) and transformation of personality. Also, in education there is a kind of verbal and intelligible interaction between master and devotee that helps to reach the devotee to intelligible and personal perfection. So, it seems that we can find some reasonable interactions between spiritual journey (Suluk) and education in analyzing the relationship between master and devotee. Based on theory of constructivism, the present article attempts to re-read the relationship between them and to analyze the story regarding the journey of the birds towards Simorq. We focus on the dialogue as an element that provides coherence, and consider the functions of this theory. Emphasizing on dialogue helps to know the importance of the other, as well as organizing and partnership.
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