Inexplicability of Mystical Experience Regarding Rūmi's Thoughts about Form and Meaning
Subject Areas : MythoManzar Soltānī 1 , Saeed Poorazimī 2 *
1 - The Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Khārazmī University
2 - Ph D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Khārazmī University
Keywords: mysticism, language, silence, Jalāl al-Din Rūmi, Meaning and Form,
Abstract :
The mystics, implicitly or explicitly- through suing symbols and allegories- have referred to inexplicability of mystical experience. They believe that the importance and perfection of "meaning" is such that "form" cannot express it. According to them, meaning and form are contradictory; and this contradiction is rooted in their view concerning “secret”. The mystics believe that there is a "secret" about "meaning" which human language is unable to express, and at the same time, they want to hide it. The temptation of expressing, on one hand, and inability of language in expressing the 'meaning', on the other, leads to a deep contradiction that is a part of the heritage of mysticism. The relationship of form and meaning has been widely proposed by Jalāl al-Din Rūmi, and his meditations have led to delicate and exact lingual results. His emphasis on inexplicability of mystical experience, leads him to the kingdom of "silence ."
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