The Manifestations of Myths in Asrar al-Tawhid
Subject Areas : MythoSārā Chālāk 1 * , Ayyub Morādi 2
1 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, East Tehran Branch
2 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payāmeh Noor University
Keywords: Myth, Asrar al-Tawhid, Old Man, Incantation, Initiation,
Abstract :
Myths are rooted in deeds and beliefs that once were sacred to man and had an indispensible relationship with his material and spiritual life. These deeds and beliefs can be found in various cultures in the passage of time; sometimes they were preserved their original form and sometimes later they have been transformed and reflected in literary books. We can find some of mythical beliefs and deeds in Asrar al-Tawhid (The Mysteries of Unification), a work of 12th century Persian literature about the Sufi mystic Abū-Sa'īd Abul-Khayr. Indeed, it is a good source to follow them. By using descriptive and analytic method and regarding to the ideas entertained by myth scholars, like Carl Gustav Jung, James George Frazer and Mircea Eliade, the present article tries to study the subjects of number seven, old man, and incantation, symbol of circle, initiation and cleaning hair in Asrar al-Tawhid.
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Hākemi Vālā, Esmā'eil and Hossein Mansouriyān Sorkh-geryeh. (2006/1385SH). "ostoureh dar she'r-e now-gerāyān". The quarterly Journal of National Studies. No. 2. Period 7.
Hamidiyān, Sa'eid. (2010/1389SH). Sharh-e showgh. Tehrān: Ghatreh.
Hasan-pour Ālāshti, Hossein and Morād Esmā'eili. (2009/1388SH). "tahlil-e ostoureh-hā dar ash'ār-e Siyāvash Kasrāei". Nashriyyeh-ye Adab-pazhouhi. No. 9.
Jung, Carl Gustav. (2013/1392). Ensān va sambol-hā-yash (man and his symbols). Tr. by Mahmoud Soltāniyyeh. Tehrān: Jāmi.
Jung, Carl Gustav. (1989/1368SH). Chahār sourat-e mesāli (Four archetypes, mother, rebirth spirit, Trickster). Tr. by Parvin Faramarzi. Mashhad: Āstān-e Ghods-e Razavi.
Karimi panāhi, Mali’he and Abol-qāsem Radfar. (2011/1390SH). “Tajalli-e ostoure dar she’r-e M. Sereshk”, Adabiāt-e pārsi-e Mo’āser Journal, No. 1.
Keivāni, Majd-oddin. (2011/1390SH). "bāztāb-e daroun-māyeh-hā-ye chand ostoureh dar āsār-e 'erfāni o soufiyāneh fārsi". Nāmeh Farhangestān. No. 46.
Khorramshāhi, Bahā'-oddin. (2001/1380SH). Hāfez-nāmeh. 12th ed. Tehrān: 'Elmi o Farhangi.
Meskoub, Shāhrokh. (2010/1389SH). “Bakht o kār-e pahlavān dar āzmoun-e haft-khān”, Tan-e Pahlevān va Ravān-e Kheradmand (Pazhouhesh-hā-i Tāzeh dar Shāhnāmeh). 3rd ed. Tehrān: Tarh-e Now.
Mo'ein, Mohammad. (2008/1387SH). Majmou'eh maghālāt (Collection of Articles). With the effort of Mahdokht Mo'ein. Tehrān: Sedā-ye Mo'āser.
Mohammad ibn-e Monavvar. (2011/1390H). Asrār-ottowhid fi maghāmāt-e sheikh Abu-sa'eid. Ed. by Mohammad Rezā Shafiꞌi Kadkani. Tehrān: Āgah.
Varāvini, Saꞌd-oddin. (2001/1380SH). Marzbān-nāmeh. Ed. by Khalil Khatib Rahbar. 7th ed. Tehrān: Safi-'alishāh.