Iranian Myths: A Result of Social and Geographical Changes
Subject Areas : Mytho
Hamidrezā Ardestāni Rostami
1 - The Assistant Professor of IAU, Dezful Branch
Keywords: Émile Durkheim, Iranian Myths, Social View, Mythical Change,
Abstract :
Émile Durkheim, famous French sociologist, believes that myths are not eternal; they are functions of historical factors and therefore, are related to social and geographical factors. This idea can be applied to some Iranian myths also. In the present article, Iranian myths are considered from Durkheim’s point of view. Based on this view, the belief to origin of man and heaven from soil and metal turns into the Stone and Iron ages respectively. Also, belief to growing two rhubarbs out of Keyumars’ semen is rooted in a myth that originates from agricultural life of Indo-European tribes. Patriarchal system has made its own myths; Zurvan, as a male god, engendered Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu and as a result women lost their function. As the land of Aryans was very cold, so according to Iranians, Ahura Mazda is hot tempered and holy, contrary to Angra Mainyu who is from cold. The fleeing of Aryans from cold and their migration to the south has been presented in the story of Jamshid in Vandidad. Also, the myth of Tishtrya and his battle with the drought-bringing demon Apaosha is a result of drought in Iran. The situation of gods stemed from of political conditions, as in the age of Sassanid, Ahura Mazda turned into a superior and omni power god, while in the age of Parthian feudalism he does not have such a status.
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