Khrafstar in the Thoughts of Ancient Iranians; Based on Avestā and Pahlavi Texts and Shāhnāmeh
Subject Areas : Mytho
Hamid Ayaz
ahmad tahan
1 - Ph D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, South Tehran Branch
2 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Firzooabad Branch
Keywords: Myth, Avestā, Shāhnāmeh, Pahlavi Texts, Khrafstar,
Abstract :
lion that have been created by Angra Mainyu to destroy the good world. In Avestā and Pahlavi texts, some manners are proposed to eliminate these devil creatures. The influence of Ferdosi and his book, Shāhnāmeh, on Iranian language and culture are clear. Yet an explanation is needed to show that how much his idea about khrafstars are influenced by Avestā and Pahlavi texts. By using descriptive and analytic method, the authors of present article try to study and compare the creatures that in Zoroastian religious texts are called khrafstar which are mentioned in Shāhnāmeh. The research shows that in Shāhnāmeh not only the term "khrafstar" is not mentioned but also it is not referred to an animal as devil creature. But, there are similarities between Ferdosi's ideas and Avestā and Pahlavi texts about noxious creatures. Finally, it has been referred to the role of these creatures in the myths of other nations and has been compared with Avestā and Pahlavi texts and Shāhnāmeh.
کتاب مقدس.
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The Holy Book.
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Coyajee, J. C. (2000/1379SH). A'ein-hā va afsāneh-hā-ye Chin-e bāstān (Cults and legends of ancient Iran and China). Tr. by Jalil Doustkhāh. Tehrān: 'Elmi o Farhangi.
Cristy, Antony. (1994/1373SH). Shenākht-e asātir-e Chin (Chiniese Myths). Tr. by Mohammad Hossein Bājelān Farrokhi. Tehrān: Golshan.
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Dādvar, Abolghāsem and Elhām Mansouri. (2006/1385SH). Darāmadi bar ostoureh-hā-ye Irān va Hend. Tehrān: Al-zahrā University.
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Gholi-zādeh, Khosrow. (2013/1392SH). Dānesh-e asātiri-ye janevarān va estelāhāt-e vābasteh. Tehrān: Pārseh.
Hall, James. (2004/1383SH). Farhang-e Negāreh-i-ye Namād-hā dar honar-e shargh o gharb (Illustrated dictionary of symbols in Eastern and Western art). Tr. by Roghayyeh Behzādi. Tehrān: Farhang-e Mo'āser.
Hasouri, 'Ali. (2008/1387SH). Zahhāk. Tehrān: Cheshmeh.
Hawks, Master. (1998/1377SH(. Ghāmous-e Ketāb-e Moghaddas (Bible Dictionary). Tehrān: Asātir.
Jung, Carl Gustav. (2004/1383SH). Ensān va sambol-hā-yash (man and his symbols). Tr. by Mahmoud Soltāniyyeh. Tehrān: Jāmi.
Kazzāzi, Mirjalāl-oddin. (2006/1385SH). Nāmeh-ye bāstān. Tehrān: SAMT.
Khalaf Tabrizi, Mohammad Hossein. (1983/1362SH). Borhān-e ghāte'. With the effort of Mohammad Mo'in. Tehrān: Amirkabir.
Khordeh Avesta. (1931/1310SH). Report of Ebrāhim Pourdāvoud. Bamba'i: Anjoman-e Zartoshtiyān-e Irāni-ye Bamba'i.
Mazdāpour, katāyoun. (2004/1383SH). Dāgh-e gol-e sorkh va chahārdah goftār-e digar darbāreh ostoureh. Tehrān: Asātir.
Minou-ye Kherad. (1975/1354SH). Translated and edited by Ahmad Tafazzoli. Tehrān: Tous.
Mo'azzami, Mahnāz. (1999/1378SH). "donyā-ye heivānāt dar Irān-e bāstān". Irān-nāmeh. No. 66.
Mo'in, Mohammad. (1984/1371SH). Farhang-e Fārsi. Tehrān: Amirkabir.
Piggott, Juliet.(2004/1383SH). Shenākht-e Asātir-e Zhāpon (Japanese mythology).Tr. by Mohammad Hossein Bājelān Farrokhi. Tehrān: Golshan.
Pourdāvoud, Ebrhim. (2001/1380SH). Farhang-e Irān-e bāstān. Tehrān: Asātir.
Soltāni-gard Farāmarzi, 'Ali. (2007/1386SH). Ramz-hā-i az asātir-e Irān dar Shāhnāmeh. Tehrān: Mobtakerān,
Tāheri, Mohammad and Hamid Āghājāni. (2013/1392SH). "tabein-e Kohan-olgoui-ye safar-e ghahremān". Āzād University Quarterly Journal of Mytho-mystic Literature. No. 32.
Vāhed-doust, Mahvash and Fātemeh Rabi'i. (2007/1386SH). " 'vātef-e heivāni dar Shāhnāmeh". Nashriyeh-ye Motāle'āt-e Irāni. No. 12.
Vāhed-doust, Mahvash. (2009/1379SH). Nahādine-hā-ye asātiri dar Shāhnāmeh-ye Ferdowsi. Tehrān: Soroush.
Vandidād. (2006/1385SH). Explanation and edition by Hāshem Razi. Tehrān: Behjat.
Vāshaghāni Farimāni, Ebrāhim. (2011/1390SH). "jānevarān va ostoureh āqāz dar Iran-e bāstān". Payām-e Nour University Quarterly Journal of Peik-e Nour. Year 9. No. 4.
Yasht-hā (1977/1356SH). Reported by Ebrāhim Pourdāvoud. With the effort of Bahrām Farrah-vashi. Vol. 1. Tehrān: University of Tehrān.
Yasht-hā. (1998/1377SH). Reported by Ebrāhim Pourdāvoud. Vol. 2. Tehrān: Asātir.