The Functions of Farr in Mohammadreza Yousefi's Adaptations of Shānāmeh; A Bio-Oriented Approach
Subject Areas : Shāhnāmeh
zahra parsapoor
fateme mohamadzade
1 - The Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IHCS
2 - Ph. D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: Shānāmeh, The Function of Animal Appearances, Mohammadrezā Yousefi, Bio-Oriented,
Abstract :
The concept of Farr, as one of the mythological ideas, refers to the relationship between humans and nature. Those who believed in myths believed that Farr, or the divine power, exists in all beings, both human and animal, and causes them to perfect their functions. In Shānāmeh, this power is sometimes associated with animal symbols, highlighting the synchronization of humans and nature in establishing order and preserving nature from the power of anti-nature during mythological times. The present article, using a descriptive-analytical method, focuses on the function of Farr in Mohammadrezā Yousefi's adaptations of Shānāmeh, written for children and teenagers. In his works, Farr, in the form of animals such as a bird (Spida) and a lamb (Farhan), creates order and saves both humans and nature from the elements of antinature, such as Divan (demons), drought, and severe cold. The research shows that Yousefi has presented Farr's animal symbols in a mythological way for his audience with a bio-oriented approach. In these works, Farr is a part of nature that fights against evil, restores order, and helps in the survival of both humans and non-humans. In later historical periods, the role of Farr changes, and it is placed at the service of political and social order.
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