Comparative analysis of the points of view of Christian Bobin, and Sohrawardi in Ontologie of Creation
Subject Areas : Mystic Literatur
Massumeh Ahmadi
Sedigheh Sherkat Moghadam
1 - The Assistant Professor of French Language, Allameh Tabataba'i University
2 - The Assistant Professor of French Language, Allameh Tabataba'i University
Keywords: Ontology, the Myth of Creation, Light, Suhrawardi, Christian Bobin,
Abstract :
Mythological views about creation describe the way man thinks about existence and creation; they often try to remove the ambiguity from the stage before creation and creation. In his literary-mystical works, Christian Bobin has dealt with the ontology of creation, sometimes in a descriptive way, and sometimes with a literary and metaphorical language. His views on the system of existence are significantly similar to Suhrawardi's views on the “controlling lights” (al-anwar al-ghahirah) and “managing lights” (al-anwar al-mudabbirah). Bobin also considers transcendental factors such as divine light and angels, along other factors, to be effective in the creation and guidance of Nature. The present article tries to deeply read Boban's literary-mystical works and to better understand his worldview in accordance with Suhrawardi's philosophy of illumination (ishrāq). The result of the research indicates that Christian Bobin, based on a kind of illuminational self-knowledge and with a poetic-mystical appraoch, believes the myth of creation is in a continuous and permanent relationship with the "face of God". His view is similar to the Quranic view that every day God is engaged in some work (Kulla Yawmin Huwa Fī Shanin, Quran: 55:29). In his works, the myth of creation refers to a chain-like and eternal birth of "being" which is associated with luminous eternity. Like Suhrawardi, Bobin sees light as the basis of "being" and the cause of its continuity; his view is a kind of quasi-illuminational view.
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