The First Correspondences of Mystics; The Maktoobat of Dhul-Nun al-Misri and Junayd of Baghdad
Subject Areas : Mytho
elaheh Rajabifar
bagher sadri niya
1 - دانشگاه تبریز
2 - Faculty member of Tabriz University
Keywords: Mystical literature, Letters, Maktoobat, correspondence, Junayd of Baghdad, Dhul-Nun al-Misri,
Abstract :
One of the lasting legacies of Islamic mystics and Sufi elders is their maktoobat (writings). Maktoobat are letters that mystics and Sufis used often to write to their contemporaries with the aim of expressing their own teachings, advices and mentioning some of the mystical mysteries, theological truths and divine teachings. In other words, maktoobat have long been common among the mystics as a means of teaching, questioning, and answering, and the Sufi elders used letters to express their thoughts. The letters of Dhul-Nun al-Misri and Junayd of Baghdad are the first surviving writings of the pioneers of Islamic mysticism. These letters are among the first-hand sources written in Arabic, with mystical prose and phrases, describing mystical teachings and beliefs. The present article, by using descriptive-analytical method, attempts to analyze the structural and content characteristics of these letters and explore their hidden themes. The results of the research are as follows: compiling a systematic list of scattered correspondences of Dhul-Nun al-Misri and Junayd of Baghdad; providing an analysis of the structure and form of correspondences; explaining the types, elements, styles of writing and contents of the letters; introducing the narrators and the audiences of the letters.
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