A Look at the Structure of Mystical Letters; Based on the Letters of Ghazālī, Sanāī, Rumi, Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani
Subject Areas : MythoSeid Amir Jahādi Hosseini 1 * , Nāzanin Rostami Zādeh 2
1 - The Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
2 - M.A in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Keywords: Sanāī, Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani, Rumi, Ghazālī, Mystical Letters,
Abstract :
Mystical letters are one of the most valuable examples of informal writings. These letters show abundant imagination, creative mind and mystical pen of their writers, and distinguishes the mystics from the courtly writers who are well aware of the art of letter writing. A study of these texts shows that there is a regular and coherent structure in them. By using descriptive-analytical method, the authors of this study have tried to analyze the content of the letters of Ghazālī, Sanāī, Rumi and Ayn al-Quzat in terms of structure and content of the letters. The style of writing, the subject, the addressee, and in general the structure of the letters is among the items that have received less attention; therefore, the need for such research in these areas is felt. The findings of the study indicate that the structure of mystical letters is different from courtly letters. The difference is more evident in the speeches, the titles and the beginning of the letter; also, the main subject of the letter is the written requests. In addition, the letters of the mystics are full of advices that are morally and educationally valuable and for teaching ideological and mystical principles are useful.
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