The Voyage of Spirit in The Red Book and Ma’arif: A Comparative Study
Subject Areas : MythoBitā Tahān 1 , Mohammad Rezā Roozbeh 2 * , Seyyed Mohsen Hosseini Moakhar 3 , Ali Noori 4
1 - Ph.D. candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University
2 - The Associated Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University
3 - The Associated Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University
4 - The Associated Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University
Keywords: Carl Gustav Jung, soul, Spirit, The Red Book, Bahā ud-Dīn Walad, Ma’arif,
Abstract :
The Red Book is an unusual work by Carl Gustav Jung, whose descendants have recently authorized its publication. In this book, he expresses his spiritual developments, pursues his inner images in a symbolic language and tries to find his forgotten soul. Also, Bahā ud-Dīn Walad, the father of Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, in his book, Ma’arif (the Gnosis), expresses his mystical intuitions frankly. The present article attempts to consider the voyage of spirit in these two works by using descriptive – analytical method. Therefore, the themes of "the spirit of the depths" and "the spirit of this time" discussed in The Red Book are compared to concepts of wisdom and soul discussed in Ma’arif; and at the end, the results of this voyage are mentioned. The purpose is to express the similarities and differences between the views of a mystic and a psychologist. The results show that Jung speaks of "the spirit of the depths" that is his guide and saves him from the "the spirit of this time", but Bahā ud-Dīn Walad does not say anything about the types of spirits and his only guide is God. According to Jung, at the end of the voyage, "if the hero in you is slain, then the sun of the depths rises in you". In Ma’arif, Bahā ud-Dīn Walad kills the carnal soul and his soul is enlightened to Divine lights.
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