Techniques of Contraction and Expansion of Narration in Masnavi Manavi (The Case Study: Daquqi Story)
Subject Areas : Mythomehrdad Akbari Gandomani 1 * , Mahdireza Kamali Baniyani 2
1 - Ph D. in of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Arak Branch
2 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Arak Branch
Keywords: Association, Dilemma, Narrative Contraction and Expansion, Daquqi Story,
Abstract :
The analysis of narrative functions is one of the most important methods of understanding a story. Series of events that occur naturally or unnaturally in a story lay the foundations of it. The course of events in many stories is a transition from one state to another one and then returning to the previous situation. Accordingly, anything that keeps suspended the reader at the end of the story, leads to narrative contraction, and anything that causes to openness and continuation of the story, leads to narrative expansion. Since Masnavi Manavi has a nested structure and uses the style of” story-in-story”, it is one of the most notable samples of this technique’s application. In this paper, the story of Daquqi (in the third book of Masnavi) is analyzed. It seems that MulānāJalāl-al Din Rumī, is influenced by internal factors and his own education, has created a kind of allegorical narration; and from the beginning of the story and with regards to the mystical space, the method of story-in-story and etc., he has made his narration a place for successive association of ideas and images. The created narrative contractions and expansions in the story lead to suspensions that creating the enthusiasm of readers for reaching to the end of the story as an obvious result of it. After considering the method of fiction in Masnavi, and explaining the association and its important indices, the present research attempts to divide all verses into three stages of beginning, middle, and end of the story, and to analyze the formation of narrative contraction and expansion in these three stages.
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Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith. (2003/1382SH). “Mo’alefe-hā-ye zamān dar revāyat”. Tr. by Abolfszl Horrī. Fasl-nāme-ye Honar. No. 53.
Stally Brass, Oliver & Alan Bullock. (1990/1369SH). Farhang-e andīše-ye no (The Fontana dictionary of modern thought). Tr. by Karīm Emāmī et al. With the Effort of Pāšāī. Tehrān: Māziyār.
Xānlarī, Parvīz. )1994/1373SH). Dastūr-e tārīxī-ye zabān-e fārsī. With the Effort of Effat Mostašārniyā. Tehrān: Tūs.
Zarrīnkūb, Abdolhossein. (1987/1366SH). Bahr dar kūze. First ed. Tehrān: Elmī.
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