"Cause and Effect" and "Means and Caused Things" in Sufism
Subject Areas : Mytho
1 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran Branch
Keywords: Islamic Theology, Sufis, ", Cause and effect", , ", Means and Caused Things", , Asharites and Mutazila,
Abstract :
"Cause and effect" and "means and caused things" are theological and philosophical issues of Sufism. So far, the general understanding has been that Sufis have denied causation and consider God as real agent. The purpose of the present article is to examine these issues and to explain how Sufis believe in them. The issue of "cause and effect" has been studied in various Persian and Arabic texts, prose and verse, as well as in theological texts. The results show that, according to Sufism, "cause and effect" is something other than "means and caused things". The whole world and its phenomena are caused by an agent, "Divine Act"; God is necessarily existent by itself and beyond Him there is no real cause in the world. According to Sufis' terms, what is called "cause and effect" is "means and caused things" or " the world of wisdom". So, based on this view, they have not denied cause and effect. In the belief of Muslim Sufis, "means and caused things" act on the basis of Divine traditions; they believe that God can create "caused things" without "means" and call it "the world of power".
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Meybodī, Abolfazl Rašīd al-dīn. (2010/1389SH). Kašf al-asrār va oddat al-abrār. With the Effort of Alī Asqar Hekmat. 9th Vol. 8th ed. Tehrān: Amīrkabīr.
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Qošeyrī, Abdol Karīm ebn-e Hawāzen. (2002/1381SH). Resāle-ye qošeyrīye. Tr. by Abū Alī al-Hasan ebn-e Ahmad Osmānī. Ed. by Badī’ozzamān Forūzānfar. Tehrān: Elmī va Farhangī.
Rāqeb, Abū al-qāsem Hossein ebn-e Mohammad. (2005/1426 AH.). Al-mofradāt fī qarīb al-qur’ān. With the Effort of Vā’el Ahmed Abdol Rahmān. Cairo: Al-maktabah al-towfīqīyya.
Šahrestānī, Mohammad ebn-e Abdol Karīm. (2004/1425 AH). Nahāyat al- eqdām fī elm al-Kalām. Reseach by Mohammad Hassan Esmā’īl. First ed. Beirut: Dār-al kotob al-elmīyyat.
ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ. (2005/1426 AH). Al-Melal va al-nehal. Research by Mohammad Abdol Qāder Al-Fāzelī. Beirut: Al-maktaba al-asrīyya.
Sama’ānī, Šahāb al-dīn Ahmad ebn-e Abī Mozaffar. (2005/1384SH). Rowh al-arvāh fī šarh-e asmā’ al-malek al-fatāh. With the Edition and Explanation by Najīb Māyel Heravī. 2nd ed. Tehrān: Elmī va Farhangī.
Sanā’ī Qaznavī, Majdūd ebn-e Ādam. (2001/1380SH). Dīvān. With the Effort of Mohammad Modarres Razavī. Tehrān: Sanā’ī.
Sarrāj, Abū Nasr Abdollah ebn-e Alī. (2001/1421 AH) .al-Luma’. Ed. by Kāmel Mostafā al-Hīndāwī. First ed. Beirut: Dār-al kotob al-elmīyyat.
Tahānavī, Mohammad Alī. (1996/1374SH). Kaššāf estelāhāt al-olūm va al-fonūn. With the Effort of Rafīq al-Ajam & Aī Dahrūj. Tr. by Abdollah Xāled & George Zynaty. First ed. Beirut: Maktab Lebanon Našerūn.