Eschatology and its Influence on Sanāī's Mysticism in Hadiqat al Haqiqa
Subject Areas : MythoAlirezā Mohammadi KollehSar 1 * , Susan Moosāee 2
1 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord University
2 - M.A of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord University
Keywords: mysticism, The world, The Hereafter, Semantic Structures, Hadīqat al Haqhīqa,
Abstract :
Hadiqat al Haqiqa includes mystical terms, themes and stories and has been referred to as the first mystical narrative in verse in Persian language. However, it seems that mysticism hasn’t a central role in the book. By recognizing the main and dominant views and themes in Hadiqat al Haqiqa, the present paper attempts to consider the views of Sanāī about mystical terms and concepts. In order to achieve these goals and by using the structural method, the semantic relations of the words and concepts have been analyzed. It can be said that the contrast between the world and the hereafter is the main theme of Hadiqat al Haqiqa. The semantic correlations of the book indicate that about the contrast the world and the hereafter there is no difference between Sanāī's views and common views in non-mystical texts. This contrast is so powerful that changes the meaning of the other mystical terms and converts them into the elements regardless of the customary esotericism in Sufism.
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Javādī Emāmzāde, Hādī & Mohammad Behnāmfar, (2016). “Naqd-e jāygāh-e erfānī-ye seyarol ebād ela al-ma’ād bar asās-e šaxsīyat-hā-ye Sanā’ī”. Adabiyāt-e Erfānī. No. 12.
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Obeydī Nīya, Mohammad Amīr & Alī Dalaei Mīlān. (2009/1388SH). “Barrasī-ye taqābol-hā-ye dogāne dar sāxtār-e hadīqe-ye sanā’ī”. Pažūheš-e Zabān va Adabiyāt-e Fārsī. No.13.
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Qolāmhossein Zāde, Qolāmhossein & Mohammad Rezā Yūsefī. (2014/ 1392SH). “Tasvīr-e donyā dar še’r-e sanā’ī va attār”. Sanā’ī Pažūhī. Ed. by Maryam Hosseinī. Tehrān: Xāne–ye Ketāb.
Qošeyrī, Abdol Karīm ebn-e Hawāzen. (2006/1385SH). Resāle-ye qošeyrīye. Ed. by Badi’ozzamān Forūzānfar. Tehrān: Elmī va Farhangī.
Šabestarī, Mahmūd ebn-e Abdolkarīm. (2002/1380SH). Golšan-e rāz. Tehrān: Gītī.
Šafī’ī Kadkanī, Mohammad Rezā. (2011/1390SH). Tāziyāne-hā-ye Solūk.Tehrān: Āgah.
Sanā’ī Qaznavī, Majdūd ebn-e Ādam. (1998/1377SH). Hadīqat al-haqīghah. Ed. by Modarres Razavī. Tehrān: Dānešgāh-e Tehrān.
Sarrāj-e Tūsī, Abīnasr. (1960/1338SH). Al-loma’ fī tasavvof. With the Effort of Abdol Rahīm Mahmūd & Tāhā Abdol Bāqī Sorūr. Egypt: Dar al-kotob al-hadīsah.
Saussure, Ferdinand de. (2003/1382SH). Dore-ye Zbān-šenāsī-ye omūmī (Cours de linguistique generale) . Tr. By Kūroš Safavī. Tehrān: Hermes.
Xāje Abdollīh Ansārī. (2016/1385SH). Sad Meydān. Ed. by Soheylā Mūsavī Sīrjānī. Tehrān: Zavvār.
Xargūšī, Abū Sa’d Abd-ol-Malek-Ebn-e Mohammad. (1999/1378SH). Tahzīb-ol asrār. With the Effort of Basām Mohammad Barūd. Abu Dhabi: Al-majma’ al-taqāfiī.
Zarqānī, Mahdī. (2000/1378SH). Ofoq-hā va andīše-ye sanā’ī-ye qaznavī. Tehrān: Ruzgār.
Zarrīnkūb. Abdol Hossein. (1995/1373SH). “Sanā’ī šūrīde’ī dar qazne”. Bā kārevān-e holle. Tehrān: Elmī.
______________________. (1997/1376SH). Jost-o-jū dar tasavvof-e īran. Tehrān: Amīrkabīr.
______________________. (2002/1381SH). Arzeš-e mīrās-e sūfīye. Tehrān: Amīrkabīr.